Professional spaceOrganize an event • Team Building

Organize a team building in Normandy by the sea

  • Many possible activities

    Deau­ville is loc­ated between land and sea
  • Wonderful sites to discover

    An oppor­tun­ity to make a lot of memories!
  • A team at your side

    You are accom­pan­ied through­out your project! 

An original team building day in Normandy

Stim­u­late your teams, unite your employ­ees around your val­ues, reward your employ­ees by organ­iz­ing an ori­gin­al team build­ing less than 2 hours from Par­is. Deau­ville allows you to get away from it all, to leave a last­ing impres­sion on your employ­ees, you can com­bine work and relax­a­tion: a priv­ileged des­tin­a­tion for the reser­va­tion of your team build­ing room. Deau­ville is a real play­ground, it meets all tastes in terms of activities.

Activité de régate à Deauville

An event all on foot

The concept of team build­ing for an all on foot event is eas­ily achiev­able in Deau­ville: The anim­a­tions and team build­ing activ­it­ies, as well as a mul­ti­tude of fully mod­u­lar rooms: everything is con­cen­trated on 4Km2. No need to waste time in mov­ing participants!

Vis­it Deauville

A team building by the sea

Deau­ville is world fam­ous for its beach, its col­or­ful umbrel­las and its myth­ic­al “Planches de Deau­ville” walk… It is a unique place for your Team Build­ing Sem­in­ar by the sea, an ideal set­ting for exchange and serenity.

Dis­cov­er the his­tory of Deauville

Activité équestre
Activité vélo à Deauville
Blackjack - Soirée Casino

Team building events at CID Deauville

A multitude of team building activities in the immediate vicinity of the CID Deauville

The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is loc­ated in the cen­ter of all infra­struc­tures to facil­it­ate the organ­iz­a­tion of team build­ing events.

  • The beach of Deau­ville and its myth­ic­al “Planches” are the priv­ileged ground for the organ­iz­a­tion of team build­ing in Nor­mandy, they offer great oppor­tun­it­ies to carry out bap­tisms in sulky, ini­ti­ations with the sand yacht, or Olympi­ads on the beach. Dis­cov­er­ing the Nor­mandy coast­line in a 4L or a buggy offers a real moment of relaxation.
  • The city of Deau­ville is also ideal for urb­an tours and guided vis­its , to strengthen teams and dis­cov­er the region’s tour­ist spots: treas­ure hunts, chal­lenge races, golf ini­ti­ation, horse­back coach­ing, rally in an E solex or a 2 CV car…
  • The hotels and casi­nos of the Resort Bar­rière Deau­ville group are the closest neigh­bors of the CID Deau­ville. This prox­im­ity makes it pos­sible to organ­ize a casino event without los­ing travel time. Guests have a sup­ply of dummy chips that they are free to bet at the roul­ette, Black Jack and Wheel of For­tune tables.
  • The SPA by Algoterm thalas­so­ther­apy cen­ter is loc­ated in front of the Deau­ville con­ven­tion cen­ter: Why not offer par­ti­cipants a real moment of relax­a­tion with a well­ness pack­age?

Rent your team building room during your professional event at CID Deauville

The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is :

  • 18,000 m² of mod­u­lar space for team build­ing, includ­ing two aud­it­or­i­ums with high-tech equip­ment for your work ses­sions and conferences ;
  • a selec­tion of the best ser­vice pro­viders to organ­ize a team build­ing sem­in­ar less than 2 hours from the cap­it­al ;
  • an exper­i­enced events team to help you book a room for a team build­ing event in Normandy ;
  • a com­mit­ted and sus­tain­able ven­ue for a team build­ing event: ISO 20121 cer­ti­fied con­ven­tion cen­ter, Safe Con­gress Sécuri-site.

One of the best con­ven­tion cen­ters in France for all your cor­por­ate events.

Vis­it the spaces of the CID Deauville

Espace Jack Valenti - C.I.D

The Villa le Cercle Deauville, the ideal place to combine work and team building activities

How to find the ideal team build­ing ven­ue to com­bine work and friendly activ­it­ies? Among the pro­posed loc­a­tions for a team build­ing sem­in­ar at the sea, the Villa le Cercle Deau­ville is the obvi­ous choice for a pro­fes­sion­al event.

Fully privat­iz­able, this charm­ing res­id­ence offers 4 recep­tion rooms ideal for organ­iz­ing an incent­ive sem­in­ar, a con­ven­tion or even a study day. Fun and friendly activ­it­ies will punc­tu­ate team­work moments and allow par­ti­cipants to com­bine work and pleasure.
CID Deau­ville’s event teams offer all-inclus­ive Team Build­ing Sem­inars or turn­key solu­tions for the organ­iz­a­tion of cor­por­ate events and the imple­ment­a­tion of team build­ing activ­it­ies that will punc­tu­ate the day.
The Villa le Cercle Deau­ville is a recep­tion ven­ue that has both a con­du­cive work­ing envir­on­ment and the spaces to organ­ize a team-build­ing. The 3 main recep­tion rooms allow to invite all the par­ti­cipants in a meet­ing, then to split them into sev­er­al groups of activ­it­ies, in mod­u­lar meet­ing spaces and per­son­al­ized con­fig­ur­a­tions accord­ing to the animations:

  • a train­ing room ;
  • a meet­ing room to organ­ize your workshops;
  • a recep­tion area for team building;

The garden and the 700m² ter­race with a view on the sea front are essen­tial assets for team build­ing events, it is pos­sible to organ­ize sports activ­it­ies, out­door games… Without for­get­ting escape games, murder parties, culin­ary activ­it­ies… Villa le Cercle lends its beau­ti­ful rooms with day­light and its his­tor­ic­al decor: the par­ti­cipants are immersed in a unique atmo­sphere for a mem­or­able team day…

Villa le Cercle de Deauville
Villa le Cercle de Deauville
  • Team building and business tourism: Why organize a team building?

    Organizing a company event such as a team building consists in proposing to the employees to take part in creative, playful, sports activities... Well organized, it allows to :

    • Bring the participants closer together ;
    • Strengthen cohesion and team spirit .
    • Improve internal communication ;
    • Boost the motivation of employees...
  • Prepare a team building

    There are different types of activities for the whole team, corresponding to different objectives, for a successful team building operation:

    • Recreational team building. Ideal for the group dynamics and to consolidate the links of the participants in a convivial atmosphere; it often has an educational aim: to learn and discover an unknown universe in a good mood... you facilitate the team cohesion and you create shared memories.
    • The team building challenge. This type of team-building is the most unifying. It brings out the profiles of the individuals in the group, a reward system can be set up to stimulate the teams. The activity can be strategic: solving problems and puzzles, it can improve the functioning of a team or teach new employees to work together...
    • Sports team building. Developing team spirit and surpassing oneself, sports team building allows participants to develop their confidence and to recharge their batteries.

    The seaside resort of Normandy has all the assets to organize a team building in an atypical setting: Deauville is an excellent destination for your team building event.