Rotonde Lounge

  • 120 m2
  • Villa Le Cercle
  • Villa le cercle
Photo de la Rotonde de la Villa Le Cercle
La Villa Le Cercle - Plan


A few steps from the CID Deauville: the Villa le Cercle Deauville

The Villa le Cercle Deau­ville is loc­ated a few steps away from the CID Deau­ville, between the Casino Bar­rière and the Roy­al Bar­rière Hotel*****The Rotonde lounge is the cent­ral lounge of the Villa le Cercle Deau­ville. Its large arched bay win­dows offer a beau­ti­ful lumin­os­ity. The high ceil­ings and the archi­tec­ture of the Villa offer an incom­par­able cachet to all your cor­por­ate events.

The Villa le Cercle Deau­ville is also equipped with a cater­ing office and a terrace.

One of the entrances is equipped with a plat­form for people with reduced mobility.

Download the technical sheet


Theater Class U Cobblestone Cocktail Cabaret Round tables
Ability 120 48 28 - 120 56 100


  • The Rotonde Lounge is open to the Casino Lounge and the Roy­al Lounge of the Villa

To remember

  • Geographic location

    A few steps from the beach of Deauville
  • Napoleon III architecture

    A charm­ing house that will not leave your par­ti­cipants indifferent
  • Fully privatizable

    The Villa le Cercle Deau­ville is entirely privat­ized for your event
  • Photo du salon Rotonde Villa Le Cercle
  • Photo du salon Rotonde en plénière à la Villa Le Cercle
  • Photo d'un cocktail dans le salon Rotonde