Nemo meeting room

  • 26 m2
  • Meeting rooms
  • Level 0
N-0 - C.I.D


A bright and strategic space in the reception area of the CID Deauville !

Loc­ated in the Roy­al recep­tion area of the con­ven­tion cen­ter, the Nemo meet­ing room can be trans­formed into a con­ci­erge ser­vice or souven­ir store dur­ing large nation­al conventions.

Download the technical sheet


Theater Class U Cobblestone Cocktail Cabaret Round tables
Ability 16 10 10 - - 12 -


  • Nat­ur­al light 

To remember

  • Strategic location

    In the heart of the Roy­al recep­tion area of the CID Deauville
  • Audiovisual equipment

    Screen and video con­fer­en­cing system

Download the brochure

Brochure sur la création d'événements