James Bond meeting room

  • 146 m2
  • Meeting rooms
  • Level -1
La salle de réunion James Bond en théâtre


The James Bond meeting room can accommodate up to 130 people

The James Bond meet­ing room’s digit­al equip­ment, large capa­city and cent­ral loc­a­tion make it a pop­u­lar ven­ue for event planners.

Download the technical sheet


Theater Class U Cobblestone Cocktail Cabaret Round tables
Ability 131 48 36 - - 84 -


  • James Bond has win­dows over­look­ing the exhib­i­tion halls

To remember

  • Modular space

    James Bond is divis­ible in 2
  • Audiovisual equipment

    Touch mon­it­or, amp­li­fi­ers, speak­ers, clickShare
  • La salle de réunion James Bond en configuration théâtre
  • La salle de réunion James Bond du C.I.D en U

Download the brochure

Brochure sur la création d'événements