Delivery dock

  • m2
  • Logistics
  • Level -2
Quai de déchargement
N-2 - C.I.D


The CID Deauville delivery dock is adjacent to the main exhibition halls

The deliv­ery dock of the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter leads from Cor­nuché Boulevard to the large exhib­i­tion halls. This logist­ic­al zone is of vital import­ance dur­ing the assembly and dis­as­sembly of con­ven­tions and trade shows: it allows exhib­it­ors to move fur­niture and products from the trucks to the booth.

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Theater Class U Cobblestone Cocktail Cabaret Round tables
Ability - - - - - - -


  • Logist­ics area con­nec­ted to the halls and the auditorium

To remember

  • Selective sorting area

    With­in the frame­work of the ISO 20121 standard
  • Single point of delivery

    The deliv­ery dock allows the trans­it of all the goods of a show

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Brochure sur la création d'événements