« The Symphonic Pop-Rock Show » by TuXedo


The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville will be open­ing its doors to the gen­er­al pub­lic on Fri­day 27 decembre 2024 for the first Nor­mandy con­cert in “The Sym­phon­ic Pop-Rock Show” by TuXedo.

A con­cert retra­cing 4 dec­ades of music­al hits by the likes of Dav­id Bowie, Paul McCart­ney, Cold­play, Bruno Mars and Sia in a sym­phon­ic ver­sion: 20 tracks selec­ted for this excep­tion­al evening !

Tick­et Office

The Symphonic Pop-Rock Show” project is born

Born over 20 years ago, TuXedo, which means “even­ing wear” in Amer­ic­an Eng­lish, is a music group made up of 6 musi­cians and 2 tech­ni­cians, known through­out the region for their vari­ous con­certs, private parties and cor­por­ate events.

For this group of friends with a shared pas­sion who star­ted out as stu­dents, put­ting togeth­er a con­cert com­bin­ing a sym­phon­ic ensemble and a pop/rock band was a child­hood dream. The absence of any pro­fes­sion­al activ­ity dur­ing the Cov­id peri­od enabled the group to start work on this project !

So they teamed up with the Erato sym­phony orches­tra from Caen, made up of around fifty musi­cians (con­ser­vatoire teach­ers and top ama­teur musi­cians) to cre­ate the con­cert pro­ject “The Sym­phon­ic Pop-Rock Show”.

Togeth­er, they per­formed for the first time on 17 Novem­ber in Metz in front of 700 spec­tat­ors, aged between 20 and 60. It was a suc­cess­ful per­form­ance, and one that left the audi­ence want­ing more.

© Sandrine Boy­er Engel 
© Sandrine Boy­er Engel 
© Sandrine Boy­er Engel 

An unusual combination of 2 worlds

The songs per­formed are from the pop and rock rep­er­toires, care­fully chosen by TUXEDO to vary the styles and offer a whole palette of music­al colours.

Through the asso­ci­ation of the music group with the sym­phony orches­tra, very dif­fer­ent worlds are brought togeth­er and har­mon­ised, allow­ing the dif­fer­ent prot­ag­on­ists to work on new styles of music, and so open up the field of possibilities.

For the audi­ence, it’s a real music­al dis­cov­ery, allow­ing them to redis­cov­er the greatest pop-rock hits through the prism of sym­phon­ic music.

Tick­et Office

The first performance at the CID

The con­cert, which will last over 1h30, will be per­formed for the first time at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville on Fri­day 27 decembre 2024 at 8pm in the Michel d’Or­nano aud­it­or­i­um. The event is sup­por­ted by Daniel FÉAU Deau­ville and the media Actu.fr, France 3 Nor­man­die and France Bleu Normandie.

Tick­et Office


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