The Place to be at the American Film Festival


The Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al is gear­ing up for its 49th edi­tion, which will run from Septem­ber 1 to Septem­ber 10, 2023. At the heart of this major cine­mat­ic event is the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, Inaug­ur­ated in 1992, on the occa­sion of the 18ᵉ Fest­iv­al of Amer­ic­an Cinema, the Nor­mandy Con­ven­tion Cen­ter now hosts nearly 140 events a year. Even today, it plays an essen­tial role and con­trib­utes to the smooth run­ning of this pres­ti­gi­ous festival.

Deau­ville, renowned for its pas­sion for cinema, attracts thou­sands of film buffs from all over the world every year. The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville mobil­izes its teams with ded­ic­a­tion and pro­fes­sion­al­ism to ensure the suc­cess of this event. As the fest­ival’s main ven­ue, it offers an ideal set­ting for screen­ings, wel­com­ing tal­ent and fest­iv­al-goers, Ceremonies…

Each year, the Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al screens its films in three dif­fer­ent ven­ues: the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, the Cinéma du Casino Bar­rière and the Cinéma le Morny, offer­ing a var­ied program.

The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville screen­ing space offers an excel­lent cine­mat­ic exper­i­ence. Fest­iv­al-goers have the chance to dis­cov­er the latest Amer­ic­an film pro­duc­tions in optim­al con­di­tions. What’s more, the screen­ing room is equipped with Atmos sound: the sound is broad­cast in 3D, offer­ing fest­iv­al-goers an ultra-real­ist­ic exper­i­ence for films using this technology.

Prizes and awards

Awards take cen­ter stage at the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al. Each year, the fest­iv­al awards sev­er­al pres­ti­gi­ous prizes cel­eb­rat­ing the best cine­ma­to­graph­ic works and emer­ging tal­ents in the film industry. Films included in the Pal­marès awards receive increased vis­ib­il­ity for their release in French and for­eign cinemas.

Sien­na Miller 
John­ny Depp 
Phi­lippe Garnier 
Ana De armas 

Five awards are presented at the Palmarès ceremony of the Deauville American Film Festival.

The awards include:

  • Deau­ville Tal­ent Awards
  • Grand Prix & Jury Prize
  • The Louis Roeder­er Found­a­tion Rev­el­a­tion Award
  • The Crit­ics’ Prize, awar­ded by crit­ics and journalists
  • The City of Deau­ville Audi­ence Award, a trib­ute to the pub­lic’s attach­ment to the Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al, the City of Deau­ville chose to cre­ate this award in 2013. Each year, the prize allows each spec­tat­or to share his or her favor­ite films, giv­ing a dir­ect­or an addi­tion­al chance to be dis­covered and recognized.

This year, the films in com­pet­i­tion will be judged by a jury of pro­fes­sion­als, chaired by act­or, dir­ect­or, pro­du­cer and screen­writer Guil­laume Canet.

The Com­pet­i­tion is reserved exclus­ively for inde­pend­ent films.

Catégories du festival

  • Les Hom­mages aux per­son­na­li­tés myth­iques en leur présence.
  • Le Nou­vel Hol­ly­wood, qui honore l’avenir en invi­tant comé­diens ou comé­diennes, fleu­rons du ciné­ma de demain.
  • Les Docs de l’Oncle Sam pour plon­ger dans la réa­li­té de la socié­té américaine.

The fest­iv­al fea­tured works that have left their mark on cinema, such as Little Odessa by James GrayPi by Dar­ren Aro­nof­sky, Man­hat­tan on the move by Tom DiCil­loBeing John Mal­ko­vich de Spike JonzeMemen­to de Chris­to­pher Nolan,Wel­come to the thank­less age of Todd Solondz and much more.

Than­diwe Newton 
Mor­gan Freeman 
Sarah Jes­si­ca Parker 

Festival history

Clint East­wood, Robert De Niro, Nicole Kid­man, Liz Taylor, Julia Roberts, John Tra­volta, George Clooney and Mor­gan Free­man all walked the red carpet.

Soph­ie Turner 
Mor­gan Free­man ©JBa­sile
Ste­wart Kristen 
Fest­iv­al De Deau­ville 1985 Liz Taylor sur la ter­rasse du Casino Photo Alain Le Berre 
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie FCAD 2007 © Guy Isaac 

Deauville American Film Festival community and key figures

The Festival in 2022 (48th edition)

Over 60,000 festival-goers
55 films selec­ted, includ­ing 13 in com­pet­i­tion, and nearly 129 screenings!
6 world premi­eres / 8 inter­na­tion­al premi­eres / 12 French premi­eres / 15 first films
Among the 200 per­son­al­it­ies invited by the fest­iv­al were more than 50 Amer­ic­an tal­ents. Nearly 330 journ­al­ists, 40 pho­to­graph­ers and 300 industry professionals.

To facil­it­ate access to fest­iv­al screen­ings and events, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville intro­duced the online tick­et­ing sys­tem, offer­ing a more con­veni­ent and seam­less exper­i­ence for fest­iv­al-goers. Digit­al tick­et­ing allows movie­go­ers from all over the world to book their tick­ets dir­ectly, through a secure online plat­form. This sim­pli­fied pro­cess avoids the queues and con­straints asso­ci­ated with pur­chas­ing phys­ic­al tickets.


The importance of social networks

Over the years, the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al has gained quite a fol­low­ing on social networks:

  • Twit­ter : 12.2k Followers
  • Face­book : 46k Followers
  • Ins­tagram : 21.3k Followers
  • You­Tube : 1.17k Followers

Social media are power­ful pro­mo­tion­al tools, enabling the fest­iv­al to:

  • Share announce­ments
  • High­light videos made dur­ing the event
  • Share and repost fest­iv­al photos
  • Review the event
  • Ask ques­tions to find out what fest­iv­al-goers think.
Tapis Rouge Ave­nue Lucien Barrière 
Ter­rasses du CID 
Audi­to­rium Michel d’Ornano ©J.Basile


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