The C.I.D, a major player in local dynamics


A study of the eco­nom­ic impact of the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter in 2023, con­duc­ted by UNIMEV (Uni­on Française des Méti­ers de l’Événe­ment) and EY, reveals the impact of the CID’s events busi­ness.

The study assesses the eco­nom­ic and social impact gen­er­ated by 3 main types of event: Trade shows, con­ven­tions and cor­por­ate events, with a focus on the impact gen­er­ated by the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al, an inter­na­tion­al event co-organ­ized by the CID.

Dis­cov­er France’s eco-friendly con­ven­tion center

Circulation dans la verrière du C.I.D

115.8 million euros generated by events

In 2023, the con­ven­tion cen­ter gen­er­ated 115.8 mil­lion euros in dir­ect (space rent­al, logist­ics and tech­nic­al sup­port, cater­ing, etc.) and indir­ect (trans­port, accom­mod­a­tion, cater­ing, shop­ping, etc.) eco­nom­ic spin-offs. A colossal amount, tak­ing into account all stages of event organ­iz­a­tion: the impact of the C.I.D.‘s activ­ity extends far bey­ond the sea­side resort of Deau­ville.

The eco­nom­ic spin-offs gen­er­ated by con­gress-type events come out on top (44.6 mil­lion euros), ahead of the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al (34.7 mil­lion euros) and trade shows (32.2 mil­lion euros).

“A del­eg­ate trav­el­ling to a region­al event spends an aver­age of €245, rising to €486 for a nation­al con­ven­tion and €1,300 for an inter­na­tion­al one. The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter in Nor­mandy is aim­ing to intensi­fy its inter­na­tion­al strategy,” declares Carine Fouquier, CID Gen­er­al Man­ager.

Vis­it CID Deauville

Corporate events maintain momentum throughout the year

The con­ven­tion center­’s 18,000m² of space hosts cor­por­ate events aver­aging 150 to 200 people: Con­ven­tions, gen­er­al meet­ings, sem­inars, extern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion events, com­pany parties… the eco­nom­ic spin-offs amount to 4.3 mil­lion euros in sales in 2023.

1,648 event-related jobs created or maintained

Events held at the Pal­ais des Con­grès cre­ate or main­tain 1,648 jobs. The Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al alone gen­er­ates 558 jobs.

Down­load the CID brochure

Focus on the Deauville American Film Festival

Le Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

Cinema is part of the DNA of the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. Every year, some 60,000 vis­it­ors to the 10-day Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al gen­er­ate 13 of the dir­ect and indir­ect spin-offs from the con­ven­tion center­’s activ­it­ies, which include accom­mod­a­tion, cater­ing and pur­chases dur­ing their stay in Deau­ville. This event, sched­uled to take place in early Septem­ber, helps pro­long the region’s tour­ist activity.

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2024: An exceptional year at the C.I.D

In 2024, the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter recor­ded an excep­tion­al year for events, driv­en in par­tic­u­lar by the organ­iz­a­tion of major inter­na­tion­al events such as the Olympic Games and the 50th anniversary of the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Festival.

Con­tact us

The Unimev study reveals the scale of the dir­ect and indir­ect spin-offs gen­er­ated by the events busi­ness. The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville and its teams play an act­ive role in the region’s devel­op­ment and reputation.

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