Major events organized by the Centre International de Deauville

L'auditorium Michel d'Ornano pendant le 48e Festival du Cinéma Américain

Cre­ated in the 19th cen­tury by the Duke of Morny, Deau­ville has retained all of its eleg­ance. This vil­lage of 4,000 inhab­it­ants has man­aged to find the right bal­ance between pro­tect­ing its her­it­age and devel­op­ment. It is this splendor and pre­served cachet that have made Deau­ville an inter­na­tion­ally renowned des­tin­a­tion, acclaimed through­out the world. Deau­ville is one of the most pop­u­lar small towns in France.

Every year, Deau­ville hosts pro­fes­sion­al and pub­lic events that con­trib­ute to its repu­ta­tion. Let’s redis­cov­er the major events organ­ized at the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, the largest infra­struc­ture in the city of Deau­ville, designed to host events of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al scope.

Major professional events organized at the CID Deauville

When it comes to busi­ness tour­ism, the city offers itself entirely to those who come here for an event. Its infra­struc­tures make it a lead­ing des­tin­a­tion in France, the only city in Nor­mandy that can accom­mod­ate, cater to and accom­mod­ate the work of large groups thanks to a har­mony of hotel products from 5* lux­ury to 2*, casi­nos, and recep­tion areas, all con­cen­trated on only 4Km².

The CID con­ven­tion cen­ter is at the heart of the strategy for host­ing large-scale events: its 18,000m² clev­erly carved out between the casino and the boards, over­look­ing the sea, allow the city to win major con­tracts, such as inter­na­tion­al sum­mit meet­ings. Deau­ville is a des­tin­a­tion that attracts inter­na­tion­al lead­ers who stay there for polit­ic­al summits.


La Villa Le Cercle 
Hôtel Le Nor­mandy Bar­rière Deau­ville © Groupe Barrière 

World political meetings at the CID

Finance Ministers’ Meeting

Canada, France, Ger­many, Italy, Japan, Rus­sia, the United King­dom and the United States met in Deau­ville in 2003, dur­ing the French pres­id­ency of the G7/G8, two weeks before the Evi­an sum­mit of heads of state and government.

The G27 Defence Ministers

The 27 European Min­is­ters of Defense met to dis­cuss the sub­ject of strength­en­ing mil­it­ary capabilities.

Meeting of the international directors of NATO

G3 Summit

This meet­ing on secur­ity bring­ing togeth­er Nic­olas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Dimitri Med­ve­dev aimed to strengthen EU-Rus­sia rela­tions. Dur­ing the sum­mit, an import­ant decision will be taken, that of integ­rat­ing Rus­sia into the next sum­mit of the Atlantic Alli­ance in Lis­bon. The heads of state will indic­ate at the clos­ing con­fer­ence that they loved their stay in Deauville.

G8 Summit on May 26 and 27

Pres­id­ent Nic­olas Sarkozy wel­comed the heads of state of the most indus­tri­al­ized nations for the annu­al G8 meet­ing. The choice of Deau­ville as a des­tin­a­tion was based on its undeni­able assets: excep­tion­al infra­struc­tures, sol­id expert­ise in host­ing inter­na­tion­al events, and a pro­act­ive tour­ism policy that favors hos­pit­al­ity, encoun­ters and cul­ture in a pre­served setting.


The G8 Sum­mit in 2011  © CID 
Stitched Panorama 

The CID Deauville, an incubator for major international professional events

In the 1980s, when Deau­ville was run­ning out of space for major inter­na­tion­al events, the May­or of Deau­ville, Anne d’Or­nano, ini­ti­ated a pro­ject to build a con­ven­tion cen­ter to sup­port the dynam­ism of the busi­ness tour­ism industry.

Top Resa or the birth of the largest trade show for professional tourism

Top Resa and Deau­ville have been mar­ried for almost 30 years, for­ging the repu­ta­tion of one of the largest trade shows ded­ic­ated to busi­ness tour­ism. From 1979 to 2007, all the pro­fes­sion­als in the sec­tor came to Deau­ville to par­ti­cip­ate in this major event.

The Women’s Forum: the most influential women in Deauville from 2005 to 2014

This for­um, which is now held in Par­is, Shang­hai and Beijing, is a major for­um for exchange and reflec­tion for women and men from all over the world with the object­ive of chan­ging the role of women in today’s societies.

IEIDC: Deauville, the world capital of equine health

The 11th edi­tion of the World Equine Infec­tious Dis­eases Con­gress was held in Deau­ville in 2020. A choice of des­tin­a­tion based on sev­er­al import­ant criteria.

Nor­mandy is at the cen­ter of Europe, and travel is easy and optim­ized. The region is a heavy­weight in the equine industry: it is the lead­ing breed­ing region with no less than 115,000 horses in its ter­rit­ory, 18,000 dir­ect jobs, 1 Hip­po­lia com­pet­it­ive­ness cluster, 5 inter­na­tion­ally renowned research cen­ters, and 1.3 bil­lion in sales. In addi­tion, the des­tin­a­tion has an inter­na­tion­ally renowned his­tory and her­it­age, with the Allied land­ing in Nor­mandy on June 6, 1944 hav­ing con­trib­uted greatly to this repu­ta­tion. Finally, choos­ing a des­tin­a­tion such as Nor­mandy also facil­it­ated one of the object­ives of a sci­entif­ic con­gress, attract­ing young researchers.

In the heart of Nor­mandy, Deau­ville has all the infra­struc­tures con­cen­trated in a few square kilo­met­ers: means of trans­port­a­tion, a large capa­city and qual­ity of accom­mod­a­tion, recep­tion areas and the con­gress center.


Major public events organized at CID Deauville

The Deauville American Film Festival

Cre­ated in 1975 to extend the tour­ist sea­son in Deau­ville, the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al is still the only film event of its scale to open its doors to the gen­er­al pub­lic. Over the course of 10 days, more than sixty pre­vi­ously unre­leased films are presen­ted to nearly 60,000 fest­iv­al-goers. The Fest­iv­al pos­i­tions itself as a tal­ent scout, high­light­ing the cine­mat­ic diversity of Amer­ic­an inde­pend­ent cinema. Pre­views of major Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­tions also have their own Red Car­pet, and the stars of Amer­ic­an cinema take pleas­ure in hav­ing their names inscribed on the fam­ous Deau­ville Booths. The Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al con­tin­ues to grow, shar­ing the artist­ic vis­ion of the Cannes Film Fest­iv­al: it is nat­ur­al that it has opened a win­dow on French cinema.


The Deauville Asian Film Festival from 1999 to 2014

16 years after its cre­ation, the Deau­ville Asi­an Film Fest­iv­al is tak­ing a break. This Fest­iv­al was inten­ded to dis­cov­er the diversity of Asi­an cinema, Japan­ese, Chinese, Filipino, Indi­an, Korean, Hong Kong, Ira­ni­an, Indone­sian, Kaza­kh… It presen­ted the greatest dir­ect­ors and video artists from the main coun­tries in the Asi­an zone. Each year, it brings togeth­er nearly 20,000 vis­it­ors. We are proud of the artist­ic suc­cess of the little broth­er of the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al. Let’s hope that it will find the neces­sary fund­ing to be reborn and make movie lov­ers dream again…

The Omnivore Food Festival from 2008 to 2011

In 2003, chefs from all over the world came to con­front their tastes, their recipes, their vis­ion of mod­ern cuisine at a culin­ary fest­iv­al: the Omni­vore Food Fest­iv­al. Since 2012, the Omni­vore has set up shop on 4 con­tin­ents, bring­ing togeth­er 60,000 fest­iv­al-goers at each event. At the CID Deau­ville, we saw the birth of a French culin­ary UFO, it has grown up and gone inter­na­tion­al to con­tin­ue dust­ing off and clear­ing the way for gastronomy!

The Deauville Tattoo Festival since 2017

350 of the most sought-after nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists join togeth­er in August at the Pal­ais des Con­grès in Deau­ville, rais­ing the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al to the top of the largest tat­too con­ven­tions in France. Every year, the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al is acclaimed for the qual­ity of its pro­gram, its guests and its anim­a­tions. It is one of the events awaited each year by nearly 15,000 tat­too enthu­si­asts and fans.

The School Summer Games in Deauville, Normandy

Organ­ized by the Inter­na­tion­al School Sum­mer Fed­er­a­tion, the School Sum­mer Games were held in 2022 dur­ing 10 days in 4 flag­ship cit­ies on 19 sites loc­ated in Nor­mandy in Rouen, Le Havre, Caen and Deau­ville. The largest inter­na­tion­al com­pet­i­tion for high school stu­dents aged 15 to 18 years old gathered 3,500 ath­letes com­pet­ing in 17 sports, com­ing from 80 nation­al­it­ies. To organ­ize this major event, 1,500 volun­teers and 500 teach­ers and super­visors were mobil­ized around the UNSS Uni­on Nationale du Sport Scolaire.

Deau­ville hos­ted the Open­ing and Clos­ing Cere­mon­ies, the Bad­min­ton and Beach Vol­ley tour­na­ments as well as the Ori­enteer­ing race. The CID Deau­ville was trans­formed into a ver­it­able rear base, serving up to 8,500 meals per day to the ath­letes and the organ­iz­a­tion team: a real feat that was hailed by the organizers.

A new concept: “Art Shopping

The School Sum­mer Games in Deau­ville, the event that brings togeth­er artists, gal­ler­ies and the pub­lic in a single access­ible art fair, offers a dir­ect link with the artists and the oppor­tun­ity to meet and exchange with them.

Le Fest­iv­al Manga de Deau­ville 2023 
Tapis Rouge Ave­nue Lucien Barrière 
The Deau­ville Asi­an Film Fest­iv­al in 2006  © CID 
School Sum­mer Games  © Nai­ade Plante 
Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al 2017 by Kam­ila Burzymowska 
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