Interview Marie-Christine Fournier-Salaün — French Process Engineering Society


Deauville October 15–17, 2024 — French Society of Process Engineering

Mar­ie-Christine Fournier-Salaün

Why did you choose Deauville as the venue for this event?

Deau­ville offers the per­fect set­ting for a con­gress of this scale. It’s a charm­ing town with more than enough accom­mod­a­tion capa­city to wel­come the 500 con­fer­ence par­ti­cipants from France, Bel­gi­um, Ger­many, Italy, Morocco and Romania. Here, you’ll find everything you need for a pleas­ant and effi­cient event: a mod­ern con­ven­tion cen­ter, hotels, res­taur­ants and everything with­in easy reach. Here, everything is with­in walk­ing dis­tance, mak­ing it easy for del­eg­ates to enjoy their event.

The con­ven­tion cen­ter boasts a large aud­it­or­i­um, exhib­i­tion halls and numer­ous rooms, all of which meet the expect­a­tions of a nation­al sci­entif­ic convention.

How did the on-site organization go?

Frankly, everything was per­fect. I’d like to emphas­ize the warm wel­come and avail­ab­il­ity of the on-site team. Their pro­fes­sion­al­ism, respons­ive­ness and pro­fes­sion­al­ism played a key role in the suc­cess of the event. The team respon­ded to every request with remark­able speed and kind­ness. This enabled us to remain focused on the con­tent of the con­gress without wor­ry­ing about the logist­ic­al aspects.

What impact did the Deauville environment have on the participants’ feelings?

The qual­ity of the ser­vice really impressed every­one. We were wel­comed into magic­al places, with a unique atmo­sphere and spaces that left a strong impres­sion. It was simply breath­tak­ing! The choice of the Fran­cis­caines for the gala even­ing, for example, added a touch of refine­ment and magic to the event. The set­ting helped to cre­ate an atmo­sphere con­du­cive to exchanges and the pleas­ure of get­ting together.

Were participants able to take advantage of the Deauville area?

Yes, and that was import­ant to us. Deau­ville offers icon­ic spots such as the board­walk and the beach, allow­ing par­ti­cipants to relax between ses­sions, adding a real plus to the over­all event experience.

What was the main feed­back from del­eg­ates at the end of the event?

The pos­it­ive feed­back was unan­im­ous. Our guests were delighted with the organ­iz­a­tion, the wel­come and the beauty of the set­ting. We heard rave reviews of the qual­ity of ser­vices and hos­pit­al­ity. And to tell you the truth, no mat­ter how hard I looked, I could­n’t find a single neg­at­ive point! That’s rare enough to be worth men­tion­ing. We’re really look­ing for­ward to hold­ing more events here.

The CID teams:

Pro­ject man­ager: Julia Coté

Stage man­ager: Michael Ondet

Sales: Karine Brouard

Cater­ing: Andrea Mendy and Cyril Vallot


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