How to make a program for a professional event?

La verrière du C.I.D en début de soirée
Verriere CID Deauville

The keys to successfully organizing a professional event

In the pro­fes­sion­al world, organ­iz­ing an event is a task that requires rig­or and effi­ciency to ensure its suc­cess. Wheth­er it is for a con­fer­ence, a sem­in­ar or a gala even­ing, it is import­ant to plan the dif­fer­ent steps of the event pro­gram and to anti­cip­ate the unex­pec­ted. In this art­icle, the CID, Deau­ville’s con­ven­tion cen­ter, offers you some prac­tic­al ele­ments to help you not for­get any­thing in the con­cep­tion of your event agenda.

Defining the objectives and the target audience

Before even think­ing about the pro­gram of your event, it is essen­tial to determ­ine what your object­ives are and who your tar­get audi­ence will be. To do this, it is essen­tial to answer a few prac­tic­al ques­tions objectively:

  • What mes­sage do you want to con­vey dur­ing your pro event?
  • What are the expec­ted results?
  • Who are the people likely to be inter­ested in your pro­fes­sion­al or cor­por­ate event?

Once you have cla­ri­fied these three ele­ments, you will be able to adapt the con­tent of your pro­gram accord­ing to these criteria.


Hall 2 du C.I.D Deau­ville ©L.Lebailly

Choosing the venue and date

To select the ideal ven­ue for your pro­fes­sion­al event, you must take into account sev­er­al factors:

  • The capa­city of the venue
  • The geo­graph­ic­al loc­a­tion, the trans­port­a­tion mod­al­it­ies, the estim­ated travel time
  • Are the infra­struc­tures and equip­ment avail­able adap­ted to the needs of the event?
  • The budget alloc­ated: it will be use­ful to ques­tion sev­er­al places to com­pare the offers

Regard­ing the date, remem­ber to check that no oth­er major event is tak­ing place at the same time and that it suits the sched­ule of your speak­ers and par­ti­cipants. It is advis­able to take into account the school cal­en­dar (school vaca­tions as well as the vari­ous bridges with pub­lic hol­i­days of the year).

See also our advice on the sub­ject: how to suc­cess­fully organ­ize a pro­fes­sion­al event.


lex­ing­ton — ©gisaac
Salle gatsby class ebabxiii 
Audi­to­rium Michel d’Ornano ©J.Basile

Developing a detailed program for your business event

Once the object­ives, tar­get audi­ence, loc­a­tion and date have been defined, you can start work­ing on the con­tent of your event pro­gram. Here are some key ele­ments not to be overlooked:

Speeches and workshops

These moments are the heart of your pro­fes­sion­al event. Be sure to select speak­ers who are experts in the fields covered, they will give your event its legit­im­acy. Also think about plan­ning inter­act­ive work­shops to encour­age exchange between participants.

Breaks and networking moments

Don’t for­get to include breaks in your pro­gram to allow par­ti­cipants to rest and exchange with each oth­er. These moments are often con­du­cive to net­work­ing and can be very bene­fi­cial for the com­pan­ies present.

Animation and entertainment

To make your pro­fes­sion­al event more dynam­ic and enjoy­able, plan ori­gin­al anim­a­tions adap­ted to your tar­get audi­ence. These can be games, shows or even exhib­i­tions related to the theme of your event. Gala din­ners are a high­light dur­ing an event.

The communication around the event

To guar­an­tee the suc­cess of your pro­fes­sion­al event, it is essen­tial to set up an effect­ive com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy:

  • Cre­ate a web­site ded­ic­ated to the event
  • Use social net­works to reach your tar­get audience
  • Send per­son­al­ized invit­a­tions to people likely to be interested
  • Set up part­ner­ships with media and influ­en­cers of the con­cerned sector

Anticipating the unexpected

When organ­iz­ing a pro­fes­sion­al event, it is essen­tial to be pre­pared for the unexpected.

Here are some tips to anti­cip­ate these uncom­fort­able but real situations:

  • Always have a plan B: Have sev­er­al back-up solu­tions to deal with tech­nic­al prob­lems, can­cel­la­tions or delays.
  • Make sure you have enough staff: to man­age the recep­tion of par­ti­cipants, secur­ity, logist­ics and entertainment.
  • Pre­pare a list of use­ful con­tacts: doc­tor, elec­tri­cian, cater­er… in order to be able to react quickly in case of need. The teams of estab­lish­ments spe­cial­ized in host­ing pro­fes­sion­al events will be able to guide you.


Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville Ver­rière © bab13

By tak­ing into account these few import­ant points, you will be able to design an event pro­gram adap­ted to your object­ives and your tar­get audi­ence. Don’t for­get that the suc­cess of a pro­fes­sion­al event depends on good pre­par­a­tion and care­ful man­age­ment of details.



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