How to get to Deauville easily?


Find out how easy it is to get to Deau­ville and enjoy one of France’s top des­tin­a­tions for your busi­ness and pub­lic events. Nestled on the Côte Fleur­ie in Nor­mandy, Deau­ville com­bines eleg­ance, retro charm and qual­ity infra­struc­tures. The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, loc­ated near the sea and the fam­ous Planches, offers mod­u­lar spaces for a vari­ety of events: con­ven­tions, sem­inars, trade shows, fest­ivals, and much more.

From airports :

Par­is-Beauvais air­port -> Deau­ville => Train: 3 h 35 / Car: 2 h 20
Air­port Par­is-Orly -> Deau­ville => Train : 3 h 25 / Car : 2h 10
Air­port Par­is-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) -> Deau­ville => Train : 3 h 30 / Car : 2 h 25
Caen-Capi­quet air­port -> Deau­ville => Train : 2 h 35 / Car / 55 min
Rennes-Bretagne Air­port -> Deau­ville => Train : 5 h 25 / Car : 2 h 35

By air:

Loc­ated in Saint-Gatien-des-Bois, Deau­ville Nor­man­die Air­port offers sched­uled and charter flights, and spe­cial­izes in horse freight. The air­port will shortly be inaug­ur­at­ing its new ter­min­al building.
Con­sult flights

By car :

Deau­ville is less than 10 km from 2 freeways:

A13: Jour­ney time Par­is-Deau­ville 2h
The A29 serves sev­er­al towns near Beuzeville: Ami­ens (2h20), Rouen (1h20), Dieppe (1h40), Fécamp (1h10), Étretat (1h), le Havre (50 min) and Hon­fleur (25 min).

By train :

Trouville-Deau­ville sta­tion provides daily links to Lisieux (jour­ney time: 20 minutes) and Par­is Saint-Laz­are (jour­ney time: 2h) stations.

By bus — coach operators :

Voy­ages Fourni­er — Place du Casino Trouville-sur-mer — +33 (0)2 31 88 16 73
VHP Les Voit­ures Henri Pav­ard — +33 (0)2 31 52 26 53

By boat :

Daily con­nec­tions with Great Bri­tain: Brit­tany fer­ries: Caen-Ouistreham/­Ports­mouth or Le Havre/Portsmouth — +33 (0)825 828 828 -
To Brit­tany fer­ries website

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