How has CID reduced its energy consumption?


The Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter of Deau­ville con­tin­ues its com­mit­ment to the energy effi­ciency plan launched in 2022, in a con­text marked by the energy trans­ition, a pri­or­ity for the events industry.

Based on the UNIMEV (Uni­on Française des Méti­ers de l’Evéne­ment) energy effi­ciency plan, the main meas­ures imple­men­ted at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville involved adjust­ing the hours of use of the cool­ing and heat­ing sys­tems, rais­ing aware­ness among teams, ser­vice pro­viders and cus­tom­ers, and improv­ing site light­ing. (see energy effi­ciency sheet)

The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter was plan­ning to gradu­ally replace its halo­gen lamps with LEDs in order to reduce its energy con­sump­tion (kW).

To find out more about this pro­ject, we inter­viewed Joël DAUBICHON — tech­nic­al coordinator.

How many luminaires have been replaced, and what is the total surface area in square meters covered by this change?

295 400W halo­gen sources were replaced by 128W LED pan­els in halls 1 and 2, cov­er­ing a total of 4,500m². This change of sources res­ul­ted in an energy sav­ing divided by 2, for a lumin­ous flux mul­ti­plied by 4.

Did this work require the mobilization of personnel, and how long did it last?

Fol­low­ing a call for tenders, the com­pany selec­ted to work on the pro­ject was Poul­lain SEPI.

The work involved a max­im­um of 6 people on site and 2 pro­gram­mers. The advant­age of this sys­tem is that it can be con­trolled using the DALI sys­tem. Sub­ject to pro­gram­ming, this sys­tem enables each device to be switched on individually.

Work began in Novem­ber 2023 and was com­pleted in May 2024. Although the pro­ject took around 8 effect­ive weeks to com­plete, the work had to be car­ried out dur­ing the CID’s off-peak peri­ods, and due to the busy sched­ule of busi­ness and pub­lic events, the work stretched over sev­er­al months.

LED low intensity 
LED high intensity 

What is the intensity of these LED, and which program will be used for the most part?

For the moment, pre-pro­gram­ming has been set up with LED intens­ity levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 80%. Dur­ing events, the pro­gram used most of the time will be at 75% intensity.

To appre­ci­ate the change, com­pare the old halo­gen source, which delivered 450 lux at 1m from the ground for 400W absorbed, with the LED tiles, which deliv­er 1400 lux for 128W absorbed.

Will other areas of the CID undergo this change in the near future?

After chan­ging the light sources in halls 1 and 2, the next stage will take place in Janu­ary 2025 and will involve the rest of the spaces, includ­ing halls 3 and 4, Goé­lette and Lex­ing­ton (around 200 LED panels).

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The advantages of hybrid events at a convention center