How Did Deauville Become The Most Popular Small Town In France ?

Les planches de la plage de Deauville
Les Planches © Patrice Le Bris

Deauville, the most popular small town in France

The city of Deau­ville, loc­ated in Nor­mandy, Cal­va­dos, main­tains its status of tour­ist excel­lence: all the efforts made to offer a unique exper­i­ence to vis­it­ors are pay­ing off. Deau­ville, the small coastal town loc­ated in Nor­mandy in the Cal­va­dos region, is the most pop­u­lar small town in France. The eleg­ant sea­side resort of only 4,000 inhab­it­ants has suc­ceeded in estab­lish­ing itself on the inter­na­tion­al scene and attract­ing tour­ists from all over the world. Deau­ville is on the podi­um with 659,000 hasht­ags on social net­works (keywords or phrases accom­pan­ied by the “#” sym­bol that allow you to group togeth­er the themes of pub­lic­a­tions on social net­works). The city of Nor­mandy is also very present in the res­ults of Google search engines, with no less than 112,000 monthly searches on the Inter­net accord­ing to the site “Holidu”.

Plage de Deauville 
Tapis Rouge Ave­nue Lucien Barrière 
Johnny Deep Fest­iv­al Amer­i­cain de Deauville 

Where does the success of the city of Deauville come from?

What has con­trib­uted to the pop­ular­ity of Deauville ?

Deau­ville, fam­ous for its prom­en­ade des Planches bor­der­ing the beach, exper­i­enced a rise in notori­ety in 1966, thanks to the suc­cess of Claude Lel­louche’s film “Un homme, une Femme”. Deau­ville is not only a beach under the sum­mer sun: the sea­side resort is attract­ive all year round thanks to its wide range of infra­struc­tures, activ­it­ies and tour­ist spots that boost the tour­ist sched­ules and keep the social net­works going all year round:

Inter­na­tion­al events


Infra­struc­tures con­cen­trated on 4 Km²

  • The Casino: the fam­ous Casino of the Bar­rière Resort group, offers a vari­ety of enter­tain­ment, as well as gam­ing rooms, res­taur­ants and bars,
  • The Sports Pole: The Pôle OMni “Sports (POM’S), hosts high level sports events,
  • The Fran­cis­can: an innov­at­ive and hybrid cul­tur­al ven­ue with a museum, media lib­rary and per­form­ance hall,
  • Accom­mod­a­tion with 2,200 rooms ran­ging from 2 to 5 stars: myth­ic­al hotels loc­ated just a stone­’s throw from the sea, in the heart of Deauville.
Autres sports et loisirs 60 © Ville de Deauville 
2017.0.13 Prix Marois Hipp La Touques ©Naïade­Plante
CID-vue du Nor­mandy 2 © J. Basile 
Tapis Rouge Ave­nue Lucien Barrière 
Les Planches © Patrice Le Bris 
Place Morny ┬® Del­phine Barre╠ü Ler­ouxel ‑inDeau­ville

Deauville, city of business tourism

A seminar by the sea, 2 hours from Paris !

The sea­side resort, loc­ated not far from the cap­it­al (2 hours from Par­is) is eas­ily access­ible: you can get there by car, train, plane, bus… It is one of the most pop­u­lar des­tin­a­tions for busi­ness sem­inars, with a large accom­mod­a­tion capa­city, recep­tion ven­ues such as the CID Deau­ville and the Villa le Cercle de Deau­ville. Deau­ville is a per­fect des­tin­a­tion for busi­nesses and pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for the per­fect set­ting for their meet­ings. It offers a wide range of ser­vices, atyp­ic­al recep­tion spaces for all types of pro­fes­sion­al events: exhib­i­tion halls, aud­it­or­i­ums, meet­ing rooms, out­door spaces…

Deau­ville is a des­tin­a­tion of choice for pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for an enchant­ing envir­on­ment and a vari­ety of ser­vices for their busi­ness trip.


The Deauville International Center : the congress center in Normandy

The teams at the con­ven­tion cen­ter accom­pany event organ­izers through every step of the pro­cess to make it a true success:

  • Choice of recep­tion areas,
  • Gen­er­al lay­out, sceno­graphy, state-of-the-art audi­ovisu­al equipment…
  • Cater­ing,
  • Accom­mod­a­tion and ticketing,
  • IT,
  • Etc…


Hall 2 du C.I.D Deau­ville ©L.Lebailly
Audi­to­rium Michel d’Ornano ©J.Basile
Salle de com­mis­sion du CID Deau­ville © BabXIII 

Honfleur and Cabourg, two other regions in Normandy that are becoming more and more popular each year

Hon­fleur, loc­ated only a few kilo­met­ers from Deau­ville, is con­sidered the second most pop­u­lar small town in France, accord­ing to the rank­ing announced on the web­site “Holidu”. The town is known for its half-timbered houses, its mar­ina and its nar­row, pic­tur­esque streets. It is also known for its art gal­ler­ies and museums, as well as for its numer­ous stores. It is loc­ated 19 km from Deauville.

A few kilo­met­ers from Hon­fleur, Cabourg is also a sea­side resort very pop­u­lar with tour­ists. The town is fam­ous for its long prom­en­ades lined with vil­las, its fine sandy beaches, its golf courses, its lux­ury hotels and its many res­taur­ants. Cabourg also has a rich his­tory and a unique atmo­sphere that makes it a very attract­ive place.


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