Discover the equestrian world in Deauville

Jeudi 11 Août 2016;Deauville;AMBIANCES ;SCOOPDYGA - CHOURAQUI Elliott

Deau­ville, the emblem­at­ic town of Nor­mandy, has always been a must for horse-racing enthu­si­asts. Every year, the sea­side town plays host to major events such as show jump­ing com­pet­i­tions, pres­ti­gi­ous flat (gal­lop) races, young horse sales, inter­na­tion­al polo tour­na­ments… At the heart of the city lies the Hip­po­drome de Deau­ville-La Touques, a ver­it­able temple to eques­tri­an sports. The Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville invites you to dis­cov­er the dif­fer­ent facets of eques­tri­an events and learn more about the horse, anoth­er of the town’s strong symbols.

Deauville and its two equestrian jewels: one town, two racecourses

Deau­ville, an inter­na­tion­ally renowned town in Nor­mandy, is not only fam­ous for its film fest­iv­al and eleg­ant beaches. It’s also known in the world of turf racing for a rather unique fea­ture: the pres­ence of two dis­tinct race­courses that enliven its loc­al life and attract eques­tri­an enthu­si­asts from all over the world. The Hip­po­drome Deau­ville-La Touques and the Hip­po­drome de Claire­fon­taine, each with its own spe­ci­al­ity, make Deau­ville a must for horse racing enthusiasts.

Deauville-La Touques racecourse: the heart of flat racing

The Deau­ville-La Touques race­course, often cited as an emblem­at­ic example of flat racing, occu­pies a cent­ral place in the his­tory of French horsera­cing. Renowned for its impec­cable tracks and mod­ern infra­struc­ture, this race­course hosts a large part of Deau­ville’s annu­al racing pro­gram. Its nick­name, “Parisi­an race­course”, bears wit­ness to its notori­ety and stra­tegic import­ance for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al racing.

  • High-qual­ity fibre turf: provid­ing a fast, safe sur­face for racing.
  • Pres­ti­gi­ous races: includ­ing spe­cial days that attract spec­tat­ors from the four corners of the globe.
  • Diver­si­fied pro­gram: facil­it­at­ing the dis­cov­ery of new tal­ent and the host­ing of recog­nized champions.

The race­course’s loc­a­tion in the heart of Deau­ville on the Côte Fleur­ie also enables it to link eques­tri­an events with the town’s oth­er tour­ist and cul­tur­al activ­it­ies, cre­at­ing an addi­tion­al attrac­tion for visitors.

Clairefontaine racecourse: the essence of versatility

In con­trast to the exclus­ive pro­file of La Touques, the Hip­po­drome de Claire­fon­taine excels in its abil­ity to provide a stage for sev­er­al types of racing: gal­lop, trot and jumps. This par­tic­u­lar­ity has earned it the title of tri-dis­cip­lin­ary pro­vin­cial race­course. On race days, the atmo­sphere is trans­formed, reflect­ing the enthu­si­asm and diversity offered by these var­ied disciplines.

  • Race diversity: enabling all types of pub­lic to find their favor­ite category.
  • Adapt­able infra­struc­ture: able to accom­mod­ate dif­fer­ent con­fig­ur­a­tions depend­ing on race type and weath­er conditions.
  • Fam­ily-friendly envir­on­ment: with chil­dren’s activ­it­ies and relax­a­tion areas, mak­ing racing access­ible to a wide audience.

The pres­ence of this race­course con­sid­er­ably enriches Deau­ville’s cul­tur­al and eco­nom­ic fab­ric, under­lin­ing its unique status as a city-dual­ity in terms of eques­tri­an activities.

© A.P.R.H.

Focus on the Deauville-La Touques racecourse, one of France’s leading horse racing venues… But not only…

Since its cre­ation in 1864, the Hip­po­drome de Deau­ville-La Touques has estab­lished itself as one of the most pres­ti­gi­ous horse racing estab­lish­ments in France. Loc­ated in the heart of the Nor­mandy sea­side resort, it offers vis­it­ors an excep­tion­al set­ting to watch the many eques­tri­an com­pet­i­tions organ­ized through­out the year. The Nor­mandy race­course is home to one of Europe’s largest train­ing cen­ters and a racing school. It hosts sev­er­al inter­na­tion­ally renowned events through­out the year. The sum­mer meet­ing in August is one of the high­lights of the season.

A varied and exciting racing program

The Hip­po­drome de Deau­ville-La Touques reg­u­larly offers a rich and diver­si­fied pro­gram, sat­is­fy­ing the expect­a­tions of horse lov­ers and demand­ing punters alike. Sea­son after sea­son, the track fea­tures flat races, not­ably on the fam­ous 2100-meter fibrous sand track, which show­cases the beauty and power of the horses as well as the tal­ent of the jockeys.

The Hip­po­drome also plays host to a num­ber of major events through­out the year, includ­ing the Grands Prix de Deau­ville, a cru­cial stage in the world of horsera­cing. These events bring togeth­er thou­sands of spec­tat­ors to admire the per­form­ances of the best nation­al and inter­na­tion­al cham­pi­ons in a unique setting.

Dive into the prestigious Deauville polo tournament

In the heart of Nor­mandy, the Deau­ville-La Touques race­course hosts a major event in the eques­tri­an world every year: the Lucien Bar­rière Deau­ville Polo Cup Inter­na­tion­al Polo Tour­na­ment. With its 3 mag­ni­fi­cent ded­ic­ated fields, this tour­na­ment attracts inter­na­tion­ally renowned polo teams and an audi­ence from the four corners of the globe.

Deauville polo tournament: description of Deauville facilities

The Deau­ville-La Touques race­course is much more than just a racetrack. Three of the finest polo fields in France are loc­ated at the cen­ter of the racetracks. These fields are renowned for their excep­tion­al qual­ity, guar­an­tee­ing fast, safe play for horses and riders alike. In addi­tion to the play­ing fields, the race­course also boasts mod­ern facil­it­ies to wel­come the pub­lic and par­ti­cipants with every comfort:

  • VIP areas for an exclus­ive experience
  • Cater­ing stands to extend your visit
  • Exhib­i­tion areas for com­mer­cial partners

The final of the Deau­ville Inter­na­tion­al Polo Tour­na­ment is undoubtedly the high­light of the event. On this occa­sion, the teams that have dom­in­ated their oppon­ents over the course of the tour­na­ment com­pete for the pre­cious cup. The final match is not only a high-level sport­ing spec­tacle, but also a social event atten­ded by polo fans, celebrit­ies and import­ant fig­ures from the world of polo. The atmo­sphere is elec­tri­fy­ing, with every shot played on the field being fer­vently fol­lowed by a pas­sion­ate crowd.

The tournament’s strategic interests and stakes

Par­ti­cip­at­ing or win­ning at Deau­ville goes far bey­ond the sport­ing stakes. It’s a real spring­board for play­ers and asso­ci­ated brands. Win­ning teams increase their pro­file, attract­ing spon­sors and luc­rat­ive part­ner­ships. Like­wise, com­pan­ies asso­ci­ated with the event bene­fit from excep­tion­al vis­ib­il­ity among a tar­geted and influ­en­tial audi­ence. Organ­iz­ing or spon­sor­ing matches in Deau­ville there­fore rep­res­ents a sound busi­ness strategy for brands seek­ing to rein­force their image in the lux­ury and sports sectors.

Racing events in Deauville for all ages

Although the Hip­po­drome de Deau­ville-La Touques is primar­ily reserved for horse racing and polo enthu­si­asts, it is also a place where the whole fam­ily can relax and enjoy them­selves. A vari­ety of activ­it­ies are offered through­out the year, allow­ing you to take full advant­age of its enchant­ing set­ting. In between races, you can take part in cre­at­ive work­shops, guided tours or even an intro­duc­tion to horse betting.

Deauville International Horse Center: beyond the races

In addi­tion to its race­courses, Deau­ville is also renowned for its Pôle Inter­na­tion­al du Che­val (PIC). The Pôle Inter­na­tion­al du Che­val de Deau­ville is a mod­ern, multi-pur­pose eques­tri­an com­plex loc­ated in Deau­ville, Nor­mandy. It includes stables, rid­ing aren­as, train­ing tracks, indoor rid­ing aren­as, com­pet­i­tion areas, exhib­i­tion spaces and relax­a­tion areas.

The PIC reg­u­larly organ­izes major events, par­tic­u­larly in show jump­ing and dressage. The cen­ter is not only a ven­ue for top-level com­pet­i­tion (CDIO), but also serves as a meet­ing point for pro­fes­sion­als from the eques­tri­an world, fur­ther rein­for­cing Deau­ville’s image as the cap­it­al of the horse.

  • High-level com­pet­i­tions: attract­ing inter­na­tion­al com­pet­it­ors and spec­tat­ors (e.g. Long­ines Deau­ville Clas­sic — Jump’in Deauville).
  • Train­ing courses and work­shops: designed to enhance the skills of riders and train­ers from all over Europe.
  • State-of-the-art equip­ment: facil­it­at­ing train­ing and the sta­ging of major eques­tri­an events.

The com­plex also includes a train­ing cen­ter ded­ic­ated to horse-related pro­fes­sions, offer­ing voca­tion­al train­ing pro­grams in areas such as breed­ing, dressage, veter­in­ary care, far­ri­ery, stable man­age­ment and more. The PIC’s role there­fore tran­scends that of a mere sports facil­ity, act­ing as a ver­it­able cata­lyst for the devel­op­ment of all aspects of the eques­tri­an sec­tor in Deau­ville. The Pôle Inter­na­tion­al du Che­val de Deau­ville thus con­trib­utes to the pro­mo­tion and devel­op­ment of the equine industry in the Nor­mandy region, which is renowned for its expert­ise in this field.

©Ville de Deauville 
©P.Le Bris 

Arqana: the leading horse auctioneer

Finally, no com­plete over­view of Deau­ville’s eques­tri­an scene would be com­plete without men­tion­ing Arqana, the lead­ing horse auc­tion com­pany. Loc­ated just a stone­’s throw from the race­courses, Arqana makes a sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tion to the region’s eques­tri­an eco­nomy with its reg­u­larly record-break­ing sales. Each sale is an event in itself, attract­ing buy­ers, sellers and the curious.

  • Pres­ti­gi­ous sales: fea­tur­ing the finest spe­ci­men horses
  • Recog­nized expert­ise: guar­an­tee­ing trans­par­ent and fair transactions
  • Inter­na­tion­al influ­ence: with par­ti­cipants from all the major coun­tries in the eques­tri­an world.

Arqana sym­bol­izes Deau­ville’s com­mer­cial dynam­ism, and per­fectly illus­trates how this small French town has man­aged to acquire a glob­al stature in the eques­tri­an world. The syn­ergy between the two race­courses, PIC and Arqana, cre­ates an inclus­ive and dynam­ic atmo­sphere, solid­i­fy­ing Deau­ville as a pil­lar of world eques­tri­an sport.

The Deauville equestrian training center

The Centre d’En­traîne­ment de Deau­ville is an emblem­at­ic site in the Nor­mandy region, renowned for its excel­lence in equine training.

Prime location

Loc­ated in Tour­géville, near Deau­ville in Nor­mandy, the Centre d’En­traîne­ment bene­fits from an ideal envir­on­ment for the devel­op­ment and train­ing of race­horses. Its prox­im­ity to the Deau­ville-La Touques race­course makes it a stra­tegic loc­a­tion for eques­tri­an pro­fes­sion­als. Nestled in the heart of the Nor­mandy coun­tryside, the eques­tri­an train­ing cen­ter offers a peace­ful, nat­ur­al set­ting con­du­cive to the health and well-being of horses. The pic­tur­esque land­scapes and prox­im­ity to the sea add to the appeal of this loc­a­tion for eques­tri­an pro­fes­sion­als and enthu­si­asts alike.

High-quality facilities

The train­ing cen­ter boasts extens­ive facil­it­ies designed to meet the needs of horses and their train­ers. It includes grass and sand train­ing tracks, pad­docks, mod­ern stables, care and rehab­il­it­a­tion facil­it­ies, as well as infra­struc­ture for the phys­ic­al train­ing of horses.

Services tailored to equine professionals

Equine Train­ing Cen­ter pro­fes­sion­als offer a full range of ser­vices for race­horse own­ers, includ­ing cus­tom­ized train­ing, veter­in­ary care, com­pet­i­tion pre­par­a­tion, race man­age­ment and much more. Qual­i­fied experts accom­pany train­ers and own­ers through­out the pro­cess to ensure the best res­ults for their horses.

A strong reputation

The Deau­ville equine train­ing cen­ter enjoys an inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion for the qual­ity of its facil­it­ies and the com­pet­ence of its staff. Many renowned horse own­ers and breed­ers choose the cen­ter to train and pre­pare their horses for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al competitions.

The equine train­ing cen­ter at Deau­ville is a world-renowned facil­ity where race­horses bene­fit from the best train­ing and pre­par­a­tion con­di­tions, thanks to mod­ern facil­it­ies, per­son­al­ized ser­vices and an excep­tion­al nat­ur­al environment.

The Palais des Congrès de Deauville: a showcase for professional and cultural events

A key ven­ue in the town’s social and cul­tur­al life, the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville hosts a large num­ber of pub­lic and private events through­out the year. Equipped with mod­ern, mod­u­lar facil­it­ies, it is the ideal ven­ue for con­fer­ences, sem­inars, con­certs and exhib­i­tions on eques­tri­an themes.

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