Deauville: the ideal destination for your seaside events in France

Les planches de la plage de Deauville
Les Planches © Patrice Le Bris

Deau­ville is renowned as one of France’s top des­tin­a­tions for busi­ness and pub­lic events on the Côte Fleur­ie. This sea­side resort in Nor­mandy is world-renowned for its eleg­ance, retro charm and top-qual­ity infra­struc­ture. The Pal­ais des Con­grès, just a stone­’s throw from the sea and the fam­ous Planches de Deau­ville, with its recep­tion rooms and mod­u­lar spaces, makes this sea­side resort the obvi­ous choice for organ­iz­ing events such as con­ven­tions, sem­inars, trade shows, con­certs, etc. With Deau­ville and its Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, dis­cov­er all the charm of events on foot and by the sea.

Deauville: organizing memorable events in an exceptional setting

Deau­ville is a pop­u­lar des­tin­a­tion for sea­side events in France. This sea­side resort in Nor­mandy is renowned for its beauty, unspoilt archi­tec­ture, qual­ity infra­struc­ture and art of liv­ing. Here are just a few reas­ons why Deau­ville can be con­sidered the ideal des­tin­a­tion for your events:

  • Pic­tur­esque set­ting: Deau­ville offers a pic­tur­esque set­ting with its sandy beach, water­front, fam­ous board­walk and eleg­ant archi­tec­ture. This cre­ates a pleas­ant, relax­ing atmosphere.
  • High-qual­ity infra­struc­tures: the town boasts mod­ern, high-qual­ity infra­struc­tures for host­ing pres­ti­gi­ous, large-scale events. Numer­ous hotels, con­ven­tion cen­ters and recep­tion ven­ues offer spaces to suit the needs of organ­iz­a­tions of all sizes. All amen­it­ies are with­in walk­ing dis­tance, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cit­ies: get­ting to the meet­ing points set dur­ing the event becomes a reju­ven­at­ing stroll.
  • Easy access: Deau­ville is access­ible by road, rail and even air via Deau­ville-Nor­man­die air­port. This access­ib­il­ity makes it easy for par­ti­cipants to get here.
  • Accom­mod­a­tion: the city offers a range of accom­mod­a­tion options, from lux­ury hotels to more afford­able estab­lish­ments. Par­ti­cipants can enjoy a com­fort­able stay over­look­ing the sea. Nearby Trouville offers even more options for accom­mod­a­tion, res­taur­ants and activities.
  • Team-build­ing activ­it­ies: the beach and out­door areas offer unique oppor­tun­it­ies for team-build­ing activ­it­ies, from water sports and beach games to horse­back rid­ing and casinos.
  • Ven­ue for major cul­tur­al events: Deau­ville reg­u­larly hosts cul­tur­al events, from film fest­ivals to con­certs and exhib­i­tions, as well as sport­ing events, all of which can enrich par­ti­cipants’ experience.
  • Refined gast­ro­nomy: the town offers deli­cious cuisine, with res­taur­ants renowned for their sea­food spe­cial­ties. Organ­izers can offer their par­ti­cipants a unique gast­ro­nom­ic experience.
  • Eleg­ance and charm: Deau­ville is renowned for its eleg­ance and retro charm. This cre­ates a dis­tinct­ive ambi­ence for events, mak­ing them mem­or­able and unique.
Les Cabines de Planches de Deauville
Les Cab­ines de Planches de Deauville

The Centre International de Deauville: Normandy’s convention center

Plunge into the heart of this Nor­man set­ting and let your­self be seduced by the city’s con­ven­tion cen­ter. This emblem­at­ic build­ing is the ideal ven­ue for any event organ­izer seek­ing to com­bine excel­lence and con­vi­vi­al­ity. With a com­plete infra­struc­ture ded­ic­ated to the suc­cess of your pro­fes­sion­al pro­jects, the CID Deau­ville offers a wide range of ser­vices. Our team of events experts can meet the spe­cif­ic needs of every com­pany, from study days to inter­na­tion­al conventions.

Request a quote

The Deauville Convention Centre, open to all

Wheth­er for busi­ness or leis­ure events, our func­tion rooms are designed to cre­ate a mem­or­able exper­i­ence. In addi­tion to its excep­tion­al set­ting, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville is com­mit­ted to provid­ing high-end ser­vices tailored to your event. Come and dis­cov­er a place where the organ­iz­a­tion­al effi­ciency of the CID events team meets the charm of Normandy.

Modular, multi-purpose spaces

With over 18,000 m² of ded­ic­ated event space, CID Deau­ville boasts a wide range of fully mod­u­lar facil­it­ies that can accom­mod­ate up to 7,000 people sim­ul­tan­eously. Wheth­er your event takes the form of a trade show, fest­iv­al, sem­in­ar or cor­por­ate con­ven­tion, you’re sure to find the room to suit your needs:

  • Two aud­it­or­i­ums with capa­cit­ies of 223 and 1497 seats.
  • Mod­u­lar meet­ing rooms with sound sys­tems and audi­ovisu­al equip­ment to facil­it­ate present­a­tions and exchanges dur­ing work­shops and train­ing sessions.
  • More than 7,000 m² of exhib­i­tion space to pro­mote your products and ser­vices to the gen­er­al pub­lic and pro­fes­sion­als alike.
  • Relax­a­tion and cock­tail areas on the seafront.
  • Four recep­tion areas at La Villa le Cercle, a his­tor­ic res­id­ence, to wel­come your staff in an idyll­ic setting.

Wheth­er for con­fer­ences, sem­inars, trade shows, cor­por­ate events or team-build­ing get­aways, Deau­ville offers an excep­tion­al set­ting that com­bines busi­ness and pleas­ure by the sea. The com­bin­a­tion of its coastal charm, glam­or­ous his­tory and mod­ern infra­struc­ture makes it the des­tin­a­tion of choice for suc­cess­ful events.

A team of professionals at your service

To make your event a real suc­cess, CID Deau­ville puts a team of exper­i­enced pro­fes­sion­als at your dis­pos­al. Depend­ing on the type of event you wish to organ­ize, our experts can pro­pose tail­or-made solu­tions to meet your expect­a­tions and those of your participants.

Business tourism flourishes in Deauville

Thanks to its infra­struc­ture and priv­ileged geo­graph­ic­al loc­a­tion, Deau­ville has become an essen­tial des­tin­a­tion for busi­ness tour­ism. Every year, this dynam­ic sec­tor attracts thou­sands of vis­it­ors for inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions, trade shows, sem­inars and con­fer­ences. In addi­tion to spe­cif­ic ser­vices for event organ­izers, Deau­ville also offers a com­pre­hens­ive range of activ­it­ies to help con­ven­tion cen­ter par­ti­cipants make the most of their stay in Deauville.

Con­tact us

Wheth­er for con­fer­ences, sem­inars, cor­por­ate meet­ings, product launches or team-build­ing events, Deau­ville com­bines the prac­tic­al­it­ies of busi­ness tour­ism with the unique charm of a renowned sea­side resort. It’s a des­tin­a­tion that offers a bal­ance between work and relax­a­tion, mak­ing it an attract­ive choice for professionals.

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