Deauville, the ideal destination for a pastry show in France


Deau­ville is syn­onym­ous with refine­ment, eleg­ance and the French art of liv­ing. Renowned for its emblem­at­ic beaches, its Belle Époque archi­tec­ture and its pres­ti­gi­ous events, the Nor­mandy town has become a key ven­ue for the organ­isa­tion of major trade fairs and events. In a coun­try where pastry-mak­ing is elev­ated to the rank of an art form, organ­ising a show ded­ic­ated to sweet treats in Deau­ville in Nor­mandy is an obvi­ous choice. With its sump­tu­ous set­ting, mod­ern facil­it­ies and undeni­able tour­ist appeal, this sea­side resort lends itself ideally to sta­ging a gour­met event: Patis­s’Art .

Patiss'Art CID Deauville

An exceptional setting for pastry enthusiasts

Patis­ser­ie is much more than a simple del­ic­acy: it embod­ies expert­ise, tra­di­tion and con­stantly renewed cre­ativ­ity. Deau­ville, with its hushed atmo­sphere and excep­tion­al mari­time set­ting, offers the per­fect back­drop for show­cas­ing this fas­cin­at­ing world. Ima­gine a show where vis­it­ors stroll between the stands of top pastry chefs, inhal­ing the scents of vanilla, praline and chocol­ate, while dis­cov­er­ing the latest sweet trends.

Loc­ated just two hours from Par­is, Deau­ville is ideally access­ible for pro­fes­sion­als and sweet lov­ers from all over France and abroad. Its pres­ti­gi­ous set­ting adds a touch of glam­our to any event, mak­ing it a prime des­tin­a­tion for a show ded­ic­ated to gour­met pleas­ures in France.

The CID: an eco-respons­ible con­ven­tion centre

The CID Deauville: a modular space for the Patiss’Art trade fair

Over the years, Patis­s’Art has estab­lished itself as the inter­na­tion­al meet­ing place for pastry chefs. A pastry show worthy of the name requires a ven­ue that lives up to the expect­a­tions of exhib­it­ors and vis­it­ors alike. This is pre­cisely what the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville (CID) offers, a bench­mark events ven­ue in France, cap­able of host­ing large-scale events while guar­an­tee­ing a smooth and enjoy­able experience.

With its mod­u­lar rooms, state-of-the-art tech­nic­al equip­ment and optim­um capa­city, the Nor­mandy con­ven­tion centre is the ideal ven­ue for organ­ising live demon­stra­tions, pres­ti­gi­ous com­pet­i­tions and mas­ter­classes led by the biggest names in pastry. Exhib­it­ors can take advant­age of per­fectly thought-out logist­ics to show­case their cre­ations, while vis­it­ors can make the most of a free-flow­ing route of dis­cov­ery and tasting.

What’s more, the CID Deau­ville offers tail­or-made sup­port to organ­isers, ensur­ing effi­cient flow man­age­ment, spaces that enhance the sta­ging and top-of-the-range ser­vices. It’s the per­fect set­ting for a show where gour­met delights and excel­lence meet.

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French pastry: an art in full effervescence

If French patis­ser­ie is world-renowned, it’s because it knows how to evolve while remain­ing faith­ful to its her­it­age. Today, trends are mov­ing towards a more respons­ible approach, fea­tur­ing qual­ity ingredi­ents, light­er recipes and bound­less cre­ativ­ity. Top chefs are vying with each oth­er in their ingenu­ity to rein­vent the clas­sics and sur­prise even the most demand­ing palates.

The ‘Patis­s’Art’ patis­ser­ie show in Deau­ville is the per­fect oppor­tun­ity to high­light this con­stantly evolving world. Vis­it­ors can dis­cov­er the latest trends, watch spec­tac­u­lar demon­stra­tions and talk to pas­sion­ate craftspeople. Chocol­ati­ers, patis­siers, ice-cream makers and con­fec­tion­ers will be shar­ing their expert­ise through cap­tiv­at­ing events and mem­or­able tastings.

Normandy Pastry Show: an immersive experience in the heart of Deauville

As well as the show itself, Deau­ville is full of activ­it­ies to help vis­it­ors extend their gour­met exper­i­ence. Why not start the day with break­fast in one of the town’s eleg­ant patis­ser­ies, before immers­ing your­self in the excite­ment of the show?

Food lov­ers can also take advant­age of a stroll through the loc­al mar­ket to dis­cov­er the best products from Nor­mandy: but­ter, fresh cream, apples and melt­ing car­a­mels. These excep­tion­al ingredi­ents, for which French patis­ser­ie is renowned, could be sub­lim­ated in ded­ic­ated work­shops, where chefs and crafts­men will share their man­u­fac­tur­ing secrets.

Deau­ville, with its Mich­elin-starred res­taur­ants, refined tea rooms and pres­ti­gi­ous hotels, offers the per­fect set­ting to com­plete this gast­ro­nom­ic experience.

Down­load the CID brochure

Deauville: the destination for organising a pastry show in France

Organ­ising a pastry show in Deau­ville means com­bin­ing the eleg­ance of a dream des­tin­a­tion with the excel­lence of recog­nised expert­ise. It means offer­ing vis­it­ors an enchanted inter­lude where gour­met delights mingle with prestige. Thanks to its unique set­ting, adap­ted infra­struc­tures and inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion, Deau­ville is the ideal des­tin­a­tion for an excep­tion­al sweet event: Patiss’Art.

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