Deauville Manga Festival August 23–25, 2024

Illustration: ©JustLoui

Fol­low­ing the suc­cess of the first edi­tion, which attrac­ted over 10,000 vis­it­ors, the Deau­ville Manga Fest­iv­al returns for its second edi­tion, with a rich and diverse pro­gram aimed at all ages.

Why Deauville?

Deau­ville was chosen for its excep­tion­al infra­struc­tures, cap­able of host­ing an event of this scale, between 8,000 and 10,000 vis­it­ors. The town offers an ideal set­ting for a fam­ily and intergen­er­a­tion­al fest­iv­al, fea­tur­ing manga, a cul­tur­al phe­nomen­on that tran­scends gen­er­a­tions, from Gol­dorak and Albat­or to One Piece and Les Gouttes de Dieu.

Authors from Normandy in the spotlight

For this second edi­tion, the fest­iv­al will be show­cas­ing authors from Nor­mandy, rein­for­cing the link with the region. Vis­it­ors will be able to take part in a wide range of work­shops and dis­cov­er­ies, from manga cre­ation to cos­play initiation.

The French Cosplay Cup

A major new fea­ture this year: Deau­ville will host a stage of the Coupe de France de Cos­play. This event brings togeth­er the best cos­play­ers from all over France, who com­pete in cre­ativ­ity and tal­ent to embody their favor­ite char­ac­ters. The region­al win­ner will have the chance to take part in the nation­al final in 2025.

Cosplay Parade and Exhibition

The cos­play parade will be held on the fam­ous Deau­ville boards, pay­ing trib­ute to the 100th anniversary of the boards and offer­ing a unique sea­side spec­tacle. An 80m² exhib­i­tion, cre­ated by Love Craft, will give vis­it­ors a behind-the-scenes look at how cos­tumes are cre­ated, and the oppor­tun­ity to take part in cos­tume-mak­ing workshops.

Prestigious guests and varied workshops

The fest­iv­al will wel­come a host of pro­fes­sion­als, includ­ing Bri­gitte Lecordi­er, voice of San Goku in “Dragon Ball” and Oui-Oui, and renowned cos­play­ers such as Livanart, French Cos­play Cham­pi­on in 2019. Vis­it­ors will also be able to meet 7 French manga­kas and take part in vari­ous manga work­shops, draw­ing, product cre­ation, and object man­u­fac­tur­ing with 3D printers.

Focus on Disney and K‑pop

In addi­tion to manga and Japan­ese cul­ture, this year’s fest­iv­al will fea­ture a Dis­ney focus. Elise Ald will per­form Dis­ney cov­ers on stage, and Char­lotte Her­vieux, the French voice of Elsa in “The Snow Queen 2”, will be present. And K‑pop fans won’t be left out, with ded­ic­ated con­certs and entertainment.

Program and Practical Information

On the pro­gram, car exhib­i­tions, auto­graph sign­ings, sports events and round tables…

Don’t miss this major cul­tur­al event cel­eb­rat­ing manga in all its forms and much more!

For more inform­a­tion, vis­it the offi­cial Deau­ville Manga Fest­iv­al web­site.

Book your tick­ets now

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