CRIP Symposium at the Centre International de Deauville

Interview with Sylvie Roche, Managing Director of CRIP — the circle of confidence for IT decision-makers — at the CRIP Symposium held from June 7 to 9 at the Centre International de Deauville / CID — Palais des Congrès.
Could you define CRIP?
CRiP (Club des Responsables Infrastructures, Technologies et Production IT) is an association of IT decision-makers. It brings together a community of 13,000 members, and aims to improve the performance of its members through a number of services, including two main ones: experience sharing and networking.
Our association, based in Paris, organizes numerous events each year in different regions of France. Once a year, we organize an event aimed exclusively at our IT decision-makers. It takes place in Deauville and is called the “CRIP Symposium”, bringing together 350 people this year.
What is a symposium?
A symposium is an event during which the IT decision-maker community gathers for three days to share ideas around a common theme.
This year’s theme was “Has technology lived up to its promise?
This theme was chosen in response to the buzz words that appear every year, such as blockchain, metavers and ChatGPT. Our community is implementing all these technologies, so the aim is to study whether or not they are living up to their promises.

How did the event unfold?
The event began with a golf competition on Wednesday afternoon, in which 70 members were able to take part. Deauville is a golfing town, so it was essential to showcase the sport ahead of the symposium. The evening continued with a launch dinner in the Ambassadors’ Lounge at the Casino Barrière de Deauville.
The symposium began on Thursday morning in the CID auditorium, with a plenary session interspersed with breaks. On Thursday evening, all participants gathered for dinner at the Golf Barrière hotel.
On the second day, workshops were held in the committee rooms and participants were able to attend plenary sessions in the Michel d’Ornano auditorium.
What was the aim of this event?
The aim was to work on the chosen theme with speakers and experts who came to share their points of view through conferences in the Michel d’Ornano auditorium and workshops in the committee rooms of the Palais des Congrès.
Who are the participants and where do they come from?
The participants are mainly from SBF120 IT departments, ETIs and 30% from the public sector, such as ministries.
From a geographical point of view, the majority of our community is Parisian, as IT departments are generally based in Paris. We also have customers from the South of France, from cities like Nice and Marseille. Some come from the North or East, from cities such as Strasbourg or Lille. So our community is drawn from all over France!

Why hold a symposium in Deauville?
I regularly ask my members where they’d like to hold the symposium, but they’re very fond of Deauville. First of all, it’s easily accessible, by train or car, both for Parisians and for the rest of the community who come from all over France. We set up a shuttle service from Neuilly sur Seine to Deauville. Participants come by train or plane and then take the shuttles. This allows us to make a commitment to the environment.
Members particularly appreciate the seaside resort because it’s so easy to relax here. Deauville is like a breath of fresh air in their stressful lives. What’s more, the fact that it’s all within walking distance is the real attraction of the destination. As for the Centre International de Deauville, it’s just a stone’s throw from the sea and opposite their accommodation: the Le Normandy Barrière hotel.
Why choose the CID Deauville convention center for a symposium?
The infrastructure is exactly what we need. The auditorium can be adapted to the number of participants, thanks to the play of lights and the closing of the upper spaces.
Another advantage is that all breaks can take place within the convention center. The beautiful Glass-roofed reception area makes it just as easy to organize one-to-one meetings in the small lounges as it is to switch our outdoor lunches indoors in case of bad weather.
Last but not least, the C.I.D. events teams are an excellent relay and a great support for the organization of the event. They accompany us and advise us on stage management and scenography, while following our guidelines, especially as we are not specialized in events.

Field teams :
Emmanuelle Chenel
Sophie Breard
Olivia Trouvain
Jean-Francois Vincent