Inter­view with Jean-François Tex­i­er, organ­izer of the 1st “Deau­ville Clas­sic” car show.

Deauville Classic: the concept ?

An exhib­i­tion of clas­sic cars and motor­cycles from 1950 to the present day,

As well as the car’s equip­ment, the gar­age and its driver, and a num­ber of artists present­ing their work.


On April 12, 13 and 14, 2024, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville will be the ven­ue for the first edi­tion of the “Deau­ville Clas­sic” clas­sic car show, an event cre­ated by Jean-François Tex­i­er, man­ager of the Goliath agency.

Deau­ville Clas­sic aims to bring togeth­er some 100 exhib­it­ors and enthu­si­asts, col­lect­ors of fine auto­mo­biles and motor­cycles, as well as tour­ists to Deau­ville. They’ll have the oppor­tun­ity to admire numer­ous clas­sic vehicles EXHIBITED INSIDE and OUTSIDE, most of which will be for sale, and to engage in enrich­ing dis­cus­sions with the renowned car and motor­cycle spe­cial­ists on site.

Who will be at the show?

Deau­ville Clas­sic will bring togeth­er the vari­ous trades of the auto­mot­ive industry, with many exper­i­enced crafts­men. You’ll be able to meet deal­ers, equip­ment sup­pli­ers and experts in car restoration.

A lead­ing body­build­er will be present: Prov­ost-Fago from Le Mans, Clas­sic Cars Com­pag­nie also a well-known Hon­fleur-based company.

Olivi­er de Stephano, fam­ous for his appear­ance on the TV show “Vin­tage Mecan­ic”, will also be present!

Col­lect­or car enthu­si­asts will be able to bene­fit from the advice of insur­ance, fin­an­cing and apprais­al pro­fes­sion­als. They’ll be on hand to answer ques­tions on sub­jects such as vehicle insur­ance, pur­chas­ing meth­ods, res­tor­a­tion stages, everything you need to know before buying…

Au cours de ce salon, il y aura la pré­sence d’une cen­taine d’exposants :

  • GT.Vintage
  • ODS
  • La com­pa­gnie de la housse
  • ID Fac­to enchère
  • ATPP Auto­mo­bile
  • Col­lect Car
  • BARNES Inter­na­tio­nal Realty
  • Éric Paw­lak arti­site peintre
  • Glove Sto­ry
  • B.R.M Chro­no­graphes
  • Et tant d’autres encore…

How do you define a classic car?

“A clas­sic car is an old and rare vehicle with sig­ni­fic­ant his­tor­ic­al, aes­thet­ic or cul­tur­al value. These cars are gen­er­ally man­u­fac­tured before the 1980s, although there may be excep­tions. Col­lect­or cars are often con­sidered col­lect­ibles and are care­fully main­tained to pre­serve their ori­gin­al con­di­tion. They can be used for exhib­i­tions, ral­lies or simply for the pleas­ure of own­ing and driv­ing them,” says event founder Jean-François Texier.

Which years for classic cars?

The clas­sic car era stretches from the first auto­mo­biles to the 1980s. After that, we enter a new era, that of the “Young­timer” from 1985 to 1995.


“Round Table”:

On Fri­day April 12, sev­er­al “Round Tables” last­ing around 30 minutes will be held on dif­fer­ent themes. They will be super­vised by an insurer and an expert, who will be on hand to explain how to buy and main­tain a clas­sic car, and the do’s and don’ts of own­ing one.


On Sat­urday, April 13, from 6 to 8 pm, an auc­tion of almost 50 auto­mo­biles will be super­vised by ID Facto (auc­tion­eer). These vehicles will be on dis­play all week­end in the CID park­ing lot, next to Aven­ue Lucien Bar­rière. A cock­tail recep­tion will fol­low the auction.

On Sunday April 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., anoth­er auc­tion, called “Auto­mobil­ia,” will take place at the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville. This auc­tion will fea­ture everything related to the world of auto­mo­biles, includ­ing scale mod­els, paint­ings, watches, sculptures…

A concours d’élégance:

It will be pos­sible for clas­sic car own­ers to take part in the Con­cours d’El­eg­ance ONLINE ONLY. This year, the 3 WINNERS will be invited to exhib­it their vehicles free of charge at the “Deau­ville Clas­sic” show. To enter, you’ll need to send in pho­tos of your clas­sic car (from all angles, engine, interi­or, uphol­stery, etc.), along with a brief descrip­tion of your car’s history.

The com­pet­i­tion will be judged by a pan­el of auto­mot­ive experts, includ­ing Olivi­er De Stephano of Vin­tage Mecan­ic, Jean-Ben­oit Rou­meguere of Clas­sic Cars Com­pag­nie, Dav­id El Hay­ani of Reflet de cuir, and auc­tion­eer Patrice Gras. The jury will select the three win­ners, who will come to exhib­it their con­cours d’élégance-win­ning cars.

“We’re offer­ing our vis­it­ors the chance to enter a photo com­pet­i­tion on the theme of cars and Deau­ville. The reflec­tion of the town hall on a Jag­uar wing, or a Ford Mus­tang with the boards in the back­ground, you’ll need ima­gin­a­tion and the jury will be made up of photo and press pro­fes­sion­als!

Good to know:

Exhib­it­ors are free to present clas­sic cars and motor­cycles from 1950 to the present day, such as ALPINE, who will be bring­ing an old ber­linette and present­ing its latest mod­el, or Honda and Roy­al Enfield, who will be bring­ing old and new motorcycles!


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