Legal information

Legal information

Preamble — Properties

Licenses gran­ted
Ven­ue oper­at­or : 1–1026789
Pro­du­cer of shows : 2–1026790
Dif­fuser of shows : 3–1026791

Article 1 — Edition of the Site

This site is pub­lished by the SAEM de ges­tion du Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville (Tel: — e‑mail:, known as CID.
Address :1 aven­ue Lucien Bar­rière — BP 71100 — 14 800 DEAUVILLE
SIRET num­ber: 383. Page 8 of 10

Dir­ect­or of pub­lic­a­tion: Carine Fouquier
Per­son in charge of the edit­or­i­al staff : Carine Fouquier

Design­er and main­tain­er of the site

This site is hos­ted in France by OVH, whose headquar­ters are loc­ated at Rue Keller­mann 59100 Roubaix, France

Photo cred­its
Ser­vice com­mu­nic­a­tion / Pal­in­drome / OT Deau­ville / G. Isaac / J. Basile / S. Guichard / R. Blas / F. Castel / L. Lebailly / M. Duvivi­er / S. Dévé / P. Le Bris / M. Vil­ars / N. Adams / J. Bois­ard / S. Vervisch

Article 2 — Access to the Site

The pur­pose of this site is to provide you with inform­a­tion on the com­mer­cial activ­it­ies of C.I.D and to allow you to access vari­ous ser­vices offered by C.I.D.
The Gen­er­al Con­di­tions of Use (GCU) gov­ern access to the Site and its use.
The CID reserves the right to modi­fy the GTU at any time and it is the respons­ib­il­ity of the users of the Site to con­sult them reg­u­larly to take note of any updates, which take effect as soon as they are pub­lished on the Site.

Article 3 — Intellectual Property

The CID is the own­er of the domain name and own­er of the asso­ci­ated site as a whole.
Con­tent: all the ele­ments that you see, hear or read on the site, as well as the site itself, are pro­tec­ted by copy­right law. You may not use, dis­trib­ute, copy, repro­duce, modi­fy, dis­tort or trans­mit the site or ele­ments of the site, such as texts, images or sounds without the pri­or writ­ten author­iz­a­tion of the site owner.
Trade­marks and logos: the trade­marks and logos appear­ing on the site are the prop­erty of the site own­er or are sub­ject to an author­iz­a­tion of use. No right or license may be gran­ted on any of these ele­ments without the writ­ten author­iz­a­tion of the site own­er or the third party hold­ing the rights on the brand or logo appear­ing on the site. The own­er of the site reserves the right to pro­sec­ute any act of infringe­ment of their intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights, includ­ing crim­in­al action.
Images and pho­to­graphs: the images or pho­to­graphs of people or places appear­ing on the site are the prop­erty of the own­ers of the site and/or are used by the own­er of the site with the agree­ment of the hold­ers of the rights. The use of these images or pho­to­graphs is pro­hib­ited without spe­cif­ic and express author­iz­a­tion of the own­er of the
of the site. Any unau­thor­ized use may res­ult in a viol­a­tion of copy­right, image rights, per­son­al rights or any oth­er reg­u­la­tion applic­able to com­mu­nic­a­tions or advertising.

Article 4 — Links to other sites

The Site may con­tain links to oth­er sites that are not under the con­trol of the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, which con­sequently declines all respons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent, inform­a­tion, data, products and/or ser­vices that may appear or be offered there.
The cre­ation of hyper­text links by third parties to all or part of the site is strictly for­bid­den, except with pri­or writ­ten author­iz­a­tion from the CID.
In any case, a link of this nature should be with­drawn on simple request from C.I.D.

Article 5 — Limitation of liability

The use of the Site is under the entire respons­ib­il­ity of the User.
The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville shall not be held liable for any use made of the Site by the User and in par­tic­u­lar for any dir­ect or indir­ect pre­ju­dice (in par­tic­u­lar fin­an­cial or mater­i­al pre­ju­dice or loss of data) linked to such use.
Giv­en the char­ac­ter­ist­ics and lim­its of the Inter­net net­work, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville can­not be held respons­ible for any incon­veni­ence or dam­age related to the use of the Inter­net net­work, in par­tic­u­lar in the event of a fail­ure, break­down, dif­fi­culty or inter­rup­tion in oper­a­tion pre­vent­ing access to the Site or any of its functions.
The CID can­not guar­an­tee that the Site is free of bugs, errors or vir­uses that could affect the User­’s com­puter. It is the User­’s respons­ib­il­ity to take all appro­pri­ate meas­ures to pro­tect your data, par­tic­u­larly from vir­al attacks via the Internet.
Any mater­i­al down­loaded or oth­er­wise obtained through the use of the Site is done at the User­’s own risk and the User shall be solely respons­ible for any dam­age to his/her com­puter or loss of data that res­ults from the down­load of such material.
Con­sequently, the CID can­not be held respons­ible for any dam­age caused to the User­’s com­puter equip­ment and the data stored on it, nor for the con­sequences that may arise from this on his per­son­al, pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial activity.
The C.I.D. endeavors to veri­fy the vera­city and the absence of error on the con­tents or inform­a­tion access­ible on the Site. The inform­a­tion on the Site is provided for inform­a­tion pur­poses only and does not con­sti­tute a con­trac­tu­al com­mit­ment under any circumstances.
The C.I.D. reserves the right at any time to sus­pend, inter­rupt or lim­it access to all or part of the Site without pri­or notice, or to delete any inform­a­tion without being held liable.

Article 6 — Protection of personal data and cookies

The per­son­al data pro­tec­tion policy of the users of this site is access­ible at the fol­low­ing address
And the Cook­ies policy is also access­ible at :

Article 7 — Applicable law

The site is sub­ject to French law.