Internal regulations

Internal regulations

Applicable to the public on the C.I.D


In the present regulations

C.I.D refers to the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville and the Villa le Cercle as a group of assets made avail­able to its oper­at­or, the Société Anonyme d’E­conomie Mixte de ges­tion du C.I.D, by the City of Deau­ville under a pub­lic ser­vice del­eg­a­tion agreement.
C.I.D. Enclos­ure means the C.I.D.‘s interi­or and exter­i­or grounds, includ­ing the con­trolled areas, ter­races, Villa le Cercle and park­ing lot.
Event means any demon­stra­tion open to the pub­lic, trade fair or show, or any oth­er event of a pub­lic or private nature not neces­sar­ily giv­ing rise to the sale of tick­ets to the pub­lic, and which takes place with­in the C.I.D, over one or more days, con­sec­ut­ive or otherwise.
Reg­u­la­tions means the present intern­al regulations.
Con­trolled areas means all areas of the C.I.D. for which access is reserved to the pub­lic in pos­ses­sion of a val­id tick­et, access card or accreditation.


2.1 The regulations apply to all members of the public

wheth­er or not in pos­ses­sion of a tick­et, present on the premises of the C.I.D., as well as to per­sons author­ized to occupy the premises tem­por­ar­ily for meet­ings, sem­inars, recep­tions or oth­er purposes.

2.2 All members of the public present on the C.I.D. premises

must com­ply with the present rules and reg­u­la­tions, as well as with the rules of civic-minded­ness and respect.


3.1 Opening and closing of the C.I.D

The C.I.D. is open at the times indic­ated at the administration/ticketing entrance, except for spe­cif­ic Event times indic­ated on tick­ets and on the website.
C.I.D. areas may have spe­cif­ic open­ing times, depend­ing on the events sched­uled. In the lat­ter case, any spe­cial arrange­ments will be com­mu­nic­ated by any means.
It is for­bid­den to enter the C.I.D enclos­ure, includ­ing the Ter­races, out­side open­ing hours.
Unless oth­er­wise spe­cified, the pub­lic must leave the C.I.D. thirty minutes after the end of an Event.

3.2 Conditions of access to the C.I.D. enclosure

Access to the C.I.D dur­ing per­form­ances is for­bid­den to minors under the age of 3, even if accom­pan­ied, for reas­ons relat­ing in par­tic­u­lar to the high volume of sound. The C.I.D reserves the right to refuse access to minors unac­com­pan­ied by an adult or without par­ent­al author­iz­a­tion. Minors remain the respons­ib­il­ity of their parents.
No refunds will be made under this clause. All mem­bers of the pub­lic, regard­less of age, wish­ing to enter con­trolled areas must be in pos­ses­sion of a val­id tick­et, pass or accred­it­a­tion appro­pri­ate to the type of area to which they wish to gain access.
Prop­er attire is required for all Events, and more spe­cific­ally for the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al (prop­er attire required dur­ing the day, cock­tail attire for Etoile screen­ings in the evening).
All exits from Con­trolled Areas are final, except in excep­tion­al cases at the request of the Event organizer.
The pub­lic is strictly for­bid­den to enter work areas or areas under construction.
Unless pri­or writ­ten author­iz­a­tion has been obtained from the C.I.D., no means of trans­port is allowed inside the C.I.D., with the excep­tion of wheel­chairs for dis­abled per­sons, wheth­er manu­al or electric.


4.1 Safety checks

For reas­ons relat­ing to the safety of people and prop­erty, mem­bers of the pub­lic enter­ing the C.I.D. Enclos­ure may be required to under­go checks or inspec­tions. Con­sequently, the pub­lic under­takes to sub­mit to all con­trol and veri­fic­a­tion meas­ures, includ­ing, in com­pli­ance with cur­rent legis­la­tion, passing through secur­ity gates, secur­ity palp­a­tion and bag checks.

Access to the C.I.D. Enclos­ure will be refused to any per­son refus­ing to com­ply. No reim­burse­ment will be made under the terms of this clause.

4.2 Compliance with safety instructions

For reas­ons of safety, emer­gency or to ensure the smooth run­ning of the C.I.D., the pub­lic must at all times strictly com­ply with the instruc­tions of the C.I.D. secur­ity and recep­tion staff, whose mis­sion is to ensure the neces­sary inter­ven­tion in the event of incid­ent, acci­dent, viol­ence, con­fine­ment, evac­u­ation of the C.I.D. Enclos­ure and applic­a­tion of the present regulations.

4.3 Evacuation and alarm system

If evac­u­ation of the C.I.D. Enclos­ure becomes neces­sary, it must be car­ried out in an orderly and dis­cip­lined man­ner under the super­vi­sion of secur­ity and safety per­son­nel. The pub­lic must act in accord­ance with the instruc­tions giv­en by the lat­ter. The PRM pub­lic will be taken care of by the secur­ity teams. To enable evac­u­ation as quickly and safely as pos­sible, mem­bers of the pub­lic must imme­di­ately and calmly move towards the emer­gency exits provided for this pur­pose, to be guided out by ded­ic­ated personnel.
Alarm sys­tems may only be activ­ated when neces­sary. Any abuse of alarm sys­tems will be prosecuted.
Access to the park­ing lot is for­bid­den in the event of evac­u­ation of the C.I.D. Enclosure.

4.4 Respect for the premises

C.I.D. premises and areas must be used in accord­ance with their inten­ded pur­pose. Any theft or dam­age will be prosecuted.

4.5 Lost minors

Lost minors will be taken to the C.I.D. recep­tion desk. Thirty minutes after the end of the Event, they will be handed over to the police.

4.6 Video protection

To ensure per­son­al safety, pre­vent dam­age to prop­erty, pro­tect pub­lic build­ings and pre­vent acts of ter­ror­ism, the C.I.D is equipped with a video pro­tec­tion sys­tem, in com­pli­ance with art­icles L.223–1 to L.223–9, L.251–1 to L.255–1 and R.251–1 to R.253–4 of the French Intern­al Secur­ity Code and law no. 2011-267 of March 14, 2011. This sys­tem has been author­ized by the Préfet de Police de Par­is (arrêté pré­fect­or­al n°20160151 VS75 du 15 fév­ri­er 2016). Images are kept for 30 days.
A right of access is provided in accord­ance with cur­rent legis­la­tion (in par­tic­u­lar art­icle L.253–1 of the French Intern­al Secur­ity Code, Reg­u­la­tion n°2016/679 known as the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion, and the amended French Data Pro­tec­tion Act of Janu­ary 6, 1978). This right of access may be exer­cised by con­tact­ing the C.I.D.‘s Dir­ec­tion Unique de Sécur­ité — 1 Aven­ue Lucien Bar­rière — 14 800 DEAUVILLE or by call­ing 02 31 14 14 14.


5.1 General behavior

Access to the C.I.D. Enclos­ure is strictly for­bid­den to any­one dis­play­ing viol­ent, racist or insult­ing beha­vi­or, as well as to any­one under the influ­ence of alco­hol or drugs.
Vis­it­ors and spec­tat­ors are asked to refrain from any aggress­ive or insult­ing beha­vi­or, any atti­tude or dress con­trary to good mor­als, likely to incon­veni­ence oth­er users or staff present on site.

It is for­bid­den to:

  • Pes­ter­ing C.I.D. staff with dis­respect­ful, racist, sex­ist or homo­phobic remarks;
  • Cross fences and barriers;
  • Use emer­gency exits except in the event of evacuation;
  • Block­ing or obstruct­ing emer­gency exits;
  • Access unau­thor­ized areas, or areas under­go­ing work or development;
  • Access to C.I.D. roofs;
  • Enter­ing the stage dur­ing a show or Event, dis­rupt­ing the pro­gress of an Event or endan­ger­ing the safety of per­sons or property;
  • Racing, chas­ing, jost­ling or slip­ping with­in the C.I.D. Enclos­ure, includ­ing out­door areas around the C.I.D.;
  • Sell or dis­trib­ute any object or doc­u­ment (includ­ing leaf­lets, fly­ers, samples or advert­ise­ments) with­in the C.I.D Enclos­ure and out­side the C.I.D, with the excep­tion of per­sons accred­ited by the C.I.D or the organizer;
  • Car­ry­ing out opin­ion polls, reli­gious or polit­ic­al acts, quests, sub­scrip­tions or sig­na­ture collection;
  • Deteri­or­ate or move the fur­niture set up in the C.I.D. Enclosure;
  • Use C.I.D. spaces or equip­ment in a man­ner incon­sist­ent with their inten­ded purpose;
  • Deface or affix graf­fiti, posters, marks or dirt to walls, doors, win­dows or any oth­er struc­ture, and gen­er­ally take any action likely to cause damage;
  • Stand­ing on seats or pulling out seats;
  • Beha­vi­or likely to cause injury or dis­turb­ance to others;
  • Dis­guise or cam­ou­flage one­self in such a way as to no longer be recognizable;
  • To con­ceal one’s face;
  • Pub­licly wear a cos­tume or uni­form reserved for nation­al police officers or mil­it­ary personnel;
  • To pro­voke, by any means what­so­ever, in par­tic­u­lar by atti­tude, dress or words of vis­it­ors or spec­tat­ors to hatred or viol­ence towards any per­son or group of persons;
  • Intro­duce, attempt to intro­duce, wear or dis­play insignia, signs or sym­bols remin­is­cent of racist or xeno­phobic ideology;
  • Intro­duce or attempt to intro­duce rock­ets or fire­works of any kind, as well as any object likely to con­sti­tute a weapon;
  • Throw­ing projectiles;
  • Organ­ize gambling or games of chance;
  • Stand­ing in pas­sage­ways, access or exit areas or stair­ways dur­ing an Event;
  • Climb­ing on the C.I.D. roof or using the ter­races as play­grounds is strictly for­bid­den. Roller skates, skate­boards, scoot­ers, bicycles and motor­ized two- or four-wheel vehicles, etc. are gen­er­ally pro­hib­ited with­in the C.I.D. Enclosure.

Offend­ers may be expelled from the C.I.D. Enclos­ure, and the C.I.D. reserves the right to take leg­al action against them. No reim­burse­ment will be made under this clause. For the well-being of all and the respect of the artists, it is recom­men­ded to switch off cell phones.


6.1 Prohibited items

It is for­bid­den to bring into the C.I.D. Enclos­ure any object present­ing a danger to oth­ers or to one­self. It is for­bid­den to bring into the C.I. D Enclos­ure, glass bottles, met­al cans and sharp and/or blunt objects, alco­hol­ic bever­ages, food and in gen­er­al any object that could serve as a pro­jectile or weapon with­in the mean­ing of art­icle 132–72 of the French pen­al code, any dan­ger­ous object and any pyro­tech­nic art­icle, explos­ive, flam­mable or volat­ile sub­stances, signs and ban­ners of any size of a polit­ic­al, ideo­lo­gic­al, reli­gious or advert­ising nature, it being spe­cified that oth­er objects may be pro­hib­ited at the request of the Event organizer.
Anim­als may not be brought into the C.I.D. Enclos­ure, with the excep­tion of guide dogs accom­pa­ny­ing per­sons hold­ing the dis­ab­il­ity card provided for in art­icle 174 of the Fam­ily and Social Aid Code.

6.2 Bulky items

Vis­it­ors car­ry­ing bulky items such as suit­cases, back­packs, shop­ping bags and oth­er bags and lug­gage with a capa­city of more than 15 liters are not per­mit­ted access to the C.I.D. Enclos­ure by secur­ity per­son­nel, or refused. All items left in lock­ers remain the respons­ib­il­ity of their owners.
C.I.D. staff may refuse to accept items which, by their nature, are likely to rep­res­ent a danger.

6.3 Cloakrooms and lost and found

Mem­bers of the pub­lic must col­lect their belong­ings when they leave the C.I.D. Enclosure.
C.I.D can­not be held respons­ible for theft or damage.
Any belong­ings not removed when the check­rooms close are kept at the dis­pos­al of their own­ers for thirty days, after which time they will be destroyed.

7. Access to the auditorium

It is for­bid­den to bring food or drink into the auditorium.
The pur­chase of a tick­et for an Event held at the C.I.D implies hav­ing read, under­stood and adhered unre­servedly to the Reg­u­la­tions, as well as, where applic­able, to the reg­u­la­tions spe­cif­ic to the organ­izer of the Event.
In order to be val­id, all tick­ets must be accom­pan­ied by the cor­res­pond­ing con­trol coupon (called stub) or, in the case of e‑tickets, be prin­ted in the cor­rect format.

It is for­bid­den to bring food or drink into the auditorium.
The pur­chase of a tick­et for an Event held at the C.I.D implies hav­ing read, under­stood and adhered unre­servedly to the Reg­u­la­tions, as well as, where applic­able, to the reg­u­la­tions spe­cif­ic to the Event’s organizer.
In order to be val­id, all tick­ets must be accom­pan­ied by the cor­res­pond­ing con­trol coupon (called stub) or, in the case of e‑tickets, be prin­ted in the cor­rect format.
The pur­chase of tick­ets out­side approved sales out­lets exposes the tick­et hold­er to the risk of coun­ter­feit­ing and to being refused access to the Con­trolled Areas.
Tick­ets may not be returned or exchanged, except in the event of can­cel­la­tion or res­chedul­ing of an Event under the con­di­tions of the C.I.D. tick­et­ing ser­vice in force.
The pub­lic must respect the seat num­ber­ing indic­ated on the tickets.
Late­comers are not guar­an­teed access to numbered seats in the Michel d’Or­nano aud­it­or­i­um after show start time, and will not be entitled to any refund.
The C.I.D. man­age­ment and/or the organ­izers reserve the right to move spec­tat­ors with­in the same seat­ing category.
Tick­ets are issued on a one-off basis.

In the event of theft, proof of which is provided by fil­ing a com­plaint with the police, and on the express and cumu­lat­ive con­di­tions that the tick­ets have been pur­chased dir­ectly from C.I.D. sales out­lets and that the reser­va­tion can be tech­nic­ally traced (cus­tom­er iden­tity, proof of pay­ment, seat num­ber­ing, etc.), the C.I.D. tick­et­ing ser­vice may issue a duplic­ate allow­ing the bear­er of the duplic­ate to access the seat ini­tially reserved. Any per­son occupy­ing the seat covered by the tick­et deemed stolen will be deemed to be in pos­ses­sion of an illeg­al tick­et and may there­fore be asked to leave the C.I.D. Enclosure.
All per­sons present in the Con­trolled Areas must keep their tick­et, access card or accred­it­a­tion with them at all times, and be able to pro­duce it at any time upon request by C.I.D. per­son­nel, until the end of the Event.
Hear­ing pro­tec­tion plugs are avail­able free of charge to spec­tat­ors on request from reception.


8.1 Smoking

The C.I.D. indoor area is non-smoking (tobacco and elec­tron­ic cigar­ettes). In accord­ance with the Loi Evin of Janu­ary 10, 1991, smoking is pro­hib­ited out­side des­ig­nated areas.

8.2 Consumption of alcohol

The sale of alco­hol to minors is pro­hib­ited with­in the C.I.D. Enclosure.
Any per­son found to be intox­ic­ated may be refused access to the C.I.D. Enclos­ure. Sim­il­arly, any per­son found to be intox­ic­ated with­in the C.I.D. Enclos­ure may be expelled. No reim­burse­ment will be made under this clause.

8.3 Narcotics

The use of nar­cot­ics with­in the C.I.D. Enclos­ure is strictly for­bid­den and may res­ult in expul­sion. Any per­son under the influ­ence of nar­cot­ics will be refused entry or expelled. No reim­burse­ment will be made under this clause.


Unless spe­cific­ally author­ized by the Event organ­izer, cam­er­as and record­ing devices are not per­mit­ted in the C.I.D. Enclosure.
Video and/or sound record­ings may not be made in the C.I.D. Enclos­ure without the express author­iz­a­tion of the C.I.D. or, where applic­able, the Event organ­izer. Like­wise, the C.I.D’s install­a­tions or tech­nic­al equip­ment may not be pho­to­graphed, filmed or recor­ded without such authorization.
All offend­ers are liable to pro­sec­u­tion. The secur­ity ser­vice may lock the cam­era at the entrance. The pub­lic is informed that dur­ing the Events, they may be pho­to­graphed and filmed (in par­tic­u­lar for tele­vi­sion broad­casts, video pro­duc­tion by the Event organ­izer, C.I.D part­ner activ­a­tion pro­grams, etc.).


The C.I.D reserves the right to escort out of the C.I.D Enclos­ure any per­son who con­tra­venes any of the clauses of the Reg­u­la­tions, without pre­ju­dice to any leg­al action that may be taken against the per­pet­rat­or of the disturbance.
In gen­er­al, the C.I. D can­not be held respons­ible for the can­cel­la­tion or post­pone­ment of an Event, for any change of open­ing act, for any change in the pro­gram or sched­ule of an Event, for the con­tent of cul­tur­al, music­al or sport­ing events, or for any change in their pro­gram­ming due to a third party, or for any event bey­ond its con­trol, in par­tic­u­lar fire, explo­sion, flood­ing, cli­mat­ic events, short­ages of raw mater­i­als or trans­port dis­rup­tions, short­ages of flu­ids or power, dis­rup­tions to means of com­mu­nic­a­tion, mal­func­tion­ing of video mon­it­ors, machine break­downs, embar­goes, requis­i­tion­ing of equip­ment, defi­cien­cies or delays in deliv­er­ies from sup­pli­ers or in the exe­cu­tion (includ­ing defects or delays) of work by con­tract­ors in charge of renov­a­tion work, strikes, lock-outs, riots, demon­stra­tions, war, decision or act of a pub­lic, judi­cial or mil­it­ary author­ity, acts of malice or ter­ror­ism, changes in reg­u­la­tions, epidemics.
We strongly advise against mov­ing around the aud­it­or­i­um dur­ing the Event. In the event of an acci­dent, C.I.D can­not be held responsible.
The cus­tom­er is respons­ible for any dam­age, dir­ect or indir­ect, that he/she may cause to the C.I.D., its staff or to third parties in con­nec­tion with his/her pres­ence or the pres­ence of per­sons in his/her care with­in the C.I.D. Enclosure.


Any amend­ment to the Reg­u­la­tions shall become imme­di­ately applic­able without the need for any pri­or notification.