General public area

Live an unforgettable experience in an exceptional place

La plage de sable fin de Deauville

Deauville... the name of this seaside resort in Normandy inspires beauty, elegance, art of living... So much so that Deauville has become a brand! In 2022, the town of 4,000 inhabitants welcomed 17,700,000 visitors. It is at the top of the rankings: a romantic destination, one of the most popular cities in France and Normandy... The city owes this attraction to its preserved heritage and its dynamism: there is always an event in Deauville, exceptional places to visit, activities to enjoy with the family... Deauville has not finished surprising you!

Upcoming events
L'auditorium Michel d'Ornano - Centre International de Deauville

Deauville American Film Festival

Cinema is the DNA of the CID Deauville. Inaugurated in 1992 by Clint Eastwood, the Convention Center is co-organizer of one of the biggest cinema events: The Deauville American Film Festival. This 10-day event brings together film enthusiasts, celebrities and guests every evening: The CID Deauville is proud to have you participate in this event that grows year after year.
More informations

The program of the moment

Shows, con­certs, fest­ivals… the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter opens its doors to the gen­er­al pub­lic! Dis­cov­er the upcom­ing events at the CID Deauville.

  • From 11 to 13 April 2025

    Trade Show 10000

    THE not-to-be-missed event for enthu­si­asts of fine auto­mo­biles from 1950 to the present day.

    This second edi­tion of DEAUVILLE CLASSIC will take place on April 11, 12 and 13, 2025 at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, with a new theme this year: Motor Racing!

    Know More

  • 13 June 2025


    Concert 1500

    Amer­ic­an sing­er, song­writer and com­poser Melody Gar­dot returns for a French tour this summer.
    Melody Gar­dot’s music flows with unclas­si­fi­able ori­gin­al­ity, echo­ing the time­less tra­di­tions of vocal icons such as Bil­lie Hol­i­day, Peggy Lee and Edith Piaf. Her music­al career is closely linked to her remark­able per­son­al story.
    Her new album, The Essen­tial Melody Gar­dot, released on Octo­ber 25, spans 15 years of her career and includes 24 tracks that show­case the breadth of her music­al abilities.
    Join Melody Gar­dot on an excep­tion­al tour of France, from June 11 to July 6, 2025!


    CARRÉ OR : 107€
    CAT 1 : 90.50€
    CAT 2 : 79.50€
    CAT 3 : 68.50€

  • 13 July 2025

    Laurent Gerra

    Show 1500


    After a tour of France that con­tin­ues into 2025 and 2026, and some 20 sold-out per­form­ances at the Casino de Par­is last Decem­ber, Laurent Gerra returns for new dates at the Fol­ies Ber­gère from Decem­ber 29, 2025 to Janu­ary 4, 2026 with his new show, even spi­ci­er and tasti­er than ever.

    When Laurent Gerra sits down to din­ner, you know you’re in for a treat.
    In this scath­ing revue, politi­cians, sing­ers, TV and film per­son­al­it­ies are put through their paces… even vegans!

    Cur­rent affairs, revis­ited with Ger­ra’s sauce, are served up to you pip­ing hot
    and par­tic­u­larly spicy!

    Dimanche 13 juil­let 2025 à 20h

    Prices :

    CAT 1 : 69€

    CAT 2 : 59€

    CAT 3 : 49€


News & Events

Fol­low the news of the events at CID Deauville.

Deauville, a city on foot

Deauville can be visited on foot! All activities are concentrated on 4Km². Its large beach is bordered by 653 meters of boards and cabins, a mythical promenade to be discovered just a few steps from the Centre International de Deauville.

Coming to Deauville
Les planches de Deauville au petit matin

Deau­ville’s Area of Archi­tec­tur­al and Her­it­age Enhancement

This urb­an plan­ning doc­u­ment helps main­tain the value of the prop­er­ties and the qual­ity of life. More than 300 vil­las have been lis­ted, some of which date back to 1864, when the sea­side resort of Deau­ville was founded.

643 meters of the myth­ic­al Deau­ville boards

Since the 1990’s, the biggest stars invited to the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al have come to inaug­ur­ate the beach cab­ins bear­ing their names. As you walk along the myth­ic­al prom­en­ade of the Planks, you will read about 200 names of celebrit­ies who came to the Festival.

Deau­ville, ‘innov­at­ive sus­tain­able destination

Ini­ti­ated by France Con­grès et Événe­ments, the “innov­at­ive sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tion” approach is struc­tured around 9 pilot ter­rit­or­ies, includ­ing the city of Deauville.

To find out more about this initiative

Download the brochure

Brochure sur la création d'événements