How to organize an incentive trip to Deauville?

HALL1Thalasso ©G.Isaac

Organizing an incentive trip to Deauville: the keys to success

Incent­ive trips rep­res­ent a unique oppor­tun­ity to strengthen team spir­it, motiv­a­tion and cohe­sion with­in a com­pany. Loc­ated on the Nor­mandy coast, Deau­ville offers an excep­tion­al set­ting to organ­ize this type of event. Dis­cov­er in this art­icle how to plan an unfor­get­table stay in Deau­ville and take advant­age of the many bene­fits offered by incent­ive trips in Normandy.

What is an incentive trip?

“Incent­ive” trans­lates to “motiv­a­tion” in Eng­lish. It is an event organ­ized by a com­pany to reward or motiv­ate its employ­ees, part­ners or cli­ents. This event allows employ­ees of large com­pan­ies to get togeth­er out­side the usu­al work envir­on­ment. It can also have the object­ive of:

  • devel­op the skills of the participants,
  • to improve intern­al communication,
  • to pro­mote the devel­op­ment of the pro­fes­sion­al network.

Incent­ive trips are often set up as part of a loy­alty pro­gram, a motiv­a­tion pro­gram or a sales challenge.


Ville 12 — Place Morny ┬® Del­phine Barre╠ü Ler­ouxel ‑inDeau­ville
Buf­fet dans les halls © BabXIII 

Why organize an incentive trip?

To reinforce team cohesion

The first object­ive of an incent­ive trip is to rein­force team cohe­sion and to encour­age exchanges between par­ti­cipants. Indeed, these events allow employ­ees to share exper­i­ences and con­vivi­al moments out­side the usu­al pro­fes­sion­al con­text. This prox­im­ity con­trib­utes to the cre­ation of stronger and more dur­able bonds between team members.

Stimulate employee motivation and commitment

Anoth­er advant­age of incent­ive trips is to stim­u­late the motiv­a­tion and com­mit­ment of employ­ees. Indeed, these events offer a real break from the daily routine and allow par­ti­cipants to recharge their bat­ter­ies in a pleas­ant envir­on­ment. Moreover, by reward­ing indi­vidu­al or col­lect­ive efforts and per­form­ances, the com­pany shows its recog­ni­tion towards its employ­ees and rein­forces their feel­ing of belong­ing to the brand.

Improve the brand image

Finally, organ­iz­ing an incent­ive trip con­trib­utes to improv­ing the com­pany’s brand image with its part­ners and cus­tom­ers. These events are an oppor­tun­ity to devel­op the pro­fes­sion­al net­work and to make con­tacts that can be use­ful in the future. Moreover, a well-organ­ized trip reflects the pro­fes­sion­al­ism, innov­a­tion and qual­ity of the ser­vices offered by the com­pany. The employ­ees are the first ambas­sad­ors of the com­pany, and the well-being and the qual­ity of the rela­tions are among the most import­ant cri­ter­ia sought by the applic­ants: the com­pany trip gives an image of open­ness which attracts the can­did­ates to the pos­i­tions pro­posed by the company.

Organize a customized incentive trip to Deauville

To cre­ate a unique and mem­or­able event, it is essen­tial to design a tail­or-made pro­gram, adap­ted to the expect­a­tions and needs of the par­ti­cipants. Estab­lish a set of spe­cific­a­tions that will serve as a guideline for the dif­fer­ent stages of the process

To do this, take into account:

  • The object­ives of the trip: reward, motiv­a­tion, train­ing, etc.
  • The pro­file of the par­ti­cipants: age, interests, level of respons­ib­il­ity, etc.
  • The dur­a­tion of the trip: week­end, week, sev­er­al days, etc.
  • The avail­able budget and logist­ic­al constraints.

The Pal­ais de con­grès de Deau­ville or the Villa le Cercle are two per­fect places that you can rent for your incent­ive meet­ings in Deau­ville.


La Villa Le Cercle 

Call­ing on an agency? The trip requires a very import­ant pre­par­a­tion and organ­iz­a­tion! This will avoid bad sur­prises. Moreover, you will be sure of the suc­cess of the trip.

Activities during an incentive trip to Deauville in Normandy

Deau­ville offers a mul­ti­tude of activ­it­ies and places suit­able for the organ­iz­a­tion of an incent­ive trip. Here are some ideas of team build­ing activ­it­ies to do in Deauville:

  • Sport­ing and naut­ic­al activ­it­ies on the beaches of Deau­ville or Trouville, such as sand yacht­ing, paddle board­ing, golf or horse riding.
  • Cul­tur­al and tour­ist­ic vis­its, such as the Fran­cis­can Museum, the Villa Strass­bur­ger, the city of Hon­fleur, the dis­cov­ery of the gast­ro­nomy of the Pays d’Auge through the vis­it of the Cal­va­dos Exper­i­ence dis­til­lery… The D‑Day land­ing beaches and the Caen Memori­al, Étretat, or the Mont-Saint-Michel
  • Team-build­ing ses­sions around strategy games, cre­at­ive work­shops or out­door sports challenges.
  • Themed even­ings in the city’s renowned estab­lish­ments, such as the Casino Bar­rière or the many gour­met restaurants.
Hall 2 du C.I.D Deau­ville ©L.Lebailly
Le Han­gar à Enigmes © ©J.Basile

Tips for a successful incentive trip to Deauville

Value the participants

For your event to be a suc­cess, make sure you put the par­ti­cipants first and offer them spe­cial moments. Care­fully pre­pare the activ­it­ies, anim­a­tions and high­lights of the trip, so that they reflect the excel­lence and the import­ance giv­en to your employees.

Create a surprise

Don’t hes­it­ate to include ele­ments of sur­prise and unex­pec­ted­ness in the pro­gram, in order to arouse the interest and curi­os­ity of par­ti­cipants through­out the trip. Also think about per­son­al­iz­ing the com­mu­nic­a­tion mater­i­als (invit­a­tion, pro­gram, gifts) to mark the spir­its and cre­ate a feel­ing of exclusivity.

You can choose not to com­mu­nic­ate the des­tin­a­tion, the depar­ture towards the unknown will be mem­or­able (atten­tion it will be neces­sary to spe­cify some details like the tem­per­at­ure, the types of cloth­ing to bring the dur­a­tion) or to com­mu­nic­ate the des­tin­a­tion dur­ing an even­ing by let­ting appear some clues through­out the evening.

Ensure smooth communication

An incent­ive trip must be planned with care and rig­or. Com­mu­nic­ate reg­u­larly with the par­ti­cipants, before, dur­ing and after the event. Inform them of the prac­tic­al details (trans­port­a­tion, accom­mod­a­tion, activ­it­ies) and col­lect their impres­sions and sug­ges­tions to improve future trips.

Corporate incentive travel: focus on impact and happiness

In short, organ­iz­ing an incent­ive trip to Deau­ville is a unique oppor­tun­ity to boost the motiv­a­tion, cohe­sion and well-being of your employ­ees. By choos­ing a pres­ti­gi­ous des­tin­a­tion and pro­pos­ing a per­son­al­ized pro­gram, you will leave a last­ing impres­sion and rein­force your com­pany’s identity.

Don’t wait any longer to set up this type of event and take advant­age of its pos­it­ive impact on the hap­pi­ness of your teams in Deau­ville, the most pop­u­lar small town in France.



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