Can all companies organize seminars?


The sem­in­ar is one of the most well-known cor­por­ate events. This type of cor­por­ate event allows for a man­age­ment that is con­sidered more effi­cient in the long term: cor­por­ate sem­inars are often con­sidered indis­pens­able by employ­ees but also by employ­ers or com­pany managers.

Are these events adap­ted for all com­pan­ies? Will they be equally use­ful? You are the head of a com­pany and you would like to know if the organ­iz­a­tion of your sem­in­ar will help you reach your objectives?

Hall 1 du C.I.D Deauville


The organ­iz­a­tion of sem­inars is mainly inten­ded for com­pan­ies with a large work­force. A small com­pany will not neces­sar­ily need to organ­ize such an event to achieve its object­ives. But noth­ing pre­vents it from doing one!

For a large com­pany, it is strongly recom­men­ded to organ­ize this kind of event. A sem­in­ar favors and rein­forces com­mu­nic­a­tion between the dif­fer­ent act­ors of the com­pany, to obtain a bet­ter team cohe­sion and an increased pro­ductiv­ity. Dis­cov­er also our tips for con­duct­ing a seminar.

You are think­ing about it: Should you organ­ize a sem­in­ar for your com­pany? Will this event be use­ful to reach the object­ives you have set? You are look­ing for a place to host your sem­in­ar? We can help you to pre­pare the ideal sem­in­ar in Nor­mandy, 2 hours from Paris.


The objectives of a corporate seminar

Depend­ing on your main object­ive, the type of sem­in­ar can vary. Here is a list of the dif­fer­ent sem­inars gen­er­ally organ­ized and their main objectives:

  • An integ­ra­tion sem­in­ar: to wel­come new mem­bers to the company,
  • a train­ing sem­in­ar: to provide train­ing to employ­ees to learn new skills,
  • a work sem­in­ar: to bring employ­ees togeth­er on one or more projects
  • a man­age­ment sem­in­ar: to allow the dif­fer­ent man­agers to dis­cuss the future and stra­tegic decisions con­cern­ing the company,
  • a man­age­ment sem­in­ar: to bring togeth­er the vari­ous team lead­ers and train them in new man­age­ment methods,
  • a cohe­sion and motiv­a­tion sem­in­ar: to encour­age and rein­force team­work among your employ­ees for bet­ter performance,
  • a sales force sem­in­ar: bring togeth­er sales people to dis­cuss upcom­ing objectives.

Whatever the type of sem­in­ar, the Deau­ville con­ven­tion cen­ter and its event team will accom­pany you to ensure the suc­cess of this pro­fes­sion­al event in Normandy.

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Seminars: what are the advantages for companies ?

The organ­iz­a­tion of a sem­in­ar requires a cer­tain budget for the com­pany. But for what return on invest­ment? Let’s see some examples:

  • An increase in employ­ee motiv­a­tion,
  • a rein­force­ment of the team cohesion,
  • a bet­ter com­mu­nic­a­tion between employees,
  • the deliv­ery of a group work or pro­ject for the company,
  • a har­mon­iz­a­tion of the speech of the exec­ut­ives, the sales team…

Organ­iz­ing a sem­in­ar must bene­fit the par­ti­cipants but also the com­pany. The event can last one day or sev­er­al days, depend­ing on the object­ives to be achieved.


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