The Deauville congress centre will be present at Heavent Meetings in Cannes


Pau­line Decanter, Sales Dir­ect­or will go th Heav­ent Meet­ings Cannes — dis­cus­sion with her :

The C.I.D soon at Heavent Meetings Cannes!

Heav­ent Meet­ings is a BtoB exhib­i­tion. For the fourth con­sec­ut­ive year, we will rep­res­ent the des­tin­a­tion of Deau­ville with my col­league from the Bar­rière Group and with InDeau­ville on the NORMANDIE stand “I. 34 — J. 39”.
We will be accom­pan­ied by the 4 oth­er Nor­mandy des­tin­a­tions: Caen, Rouen, Bagnoles de l’Orne and Le Havre.

Can you tell us about the objective of Heavent Meetings Cannes?

It’s an event that brings togeth­er 300 buy­ers. The aim is to present Deau­ville as an ideal des­tin­a­tion for con­fer­ences. But it’s also an oppor­tun­ity to meet the play­ers in the events industry and to dis­cuss cur­rent issues with them.

How does the show work?

The show is sched­uled over 3 days. Buy­ers arrive on Tues­day and are wel­comed at a cock­tail recep­tion. Wed­nes­day and Thursday are devoted to one-to-one meet­ings (about 20 per day), and lunches are devoted to discussions.
As Sec­ret­ary Gen­er­al of COESIO, the lead­ing French-speak­ing net­work of con­fer­ence cit­ies, I will also be present at the even­ing event that the pro­fes­sion­al net­work is organ­ising on Wed­nes­day even­ing: we will be expect­ing con­fer­ence organ­isers there.

What kind of audience are you expecting?

We are expect­ing buy­ers and agen­cies from dif­fer­ent coun­tries; French of course, but we are also expect­ing a Span­ish, Bel­gian, Lux­em­bourg and Brit­ish public.

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