Professional spaceOrganize an event • Company meeting

Book a meeting room for your events in Normandy

Le port de Honfleur
La villa Strassburger à Deauville
Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville
Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville ©JacquesBASILE

Professional meetings and business tourism in Normandy

The offices of com­pan­ies, asso­ci­ations, or fed­er­a­tions some­times do not have the neces­sary capa­city to accom­mod­ate all the par­ti­cipants. Going bey­ond the usu­al frame­work also allows you to con­cen­trate all the par­ti­cipants on your object­ives and to mark the spir­its. Com­pan­ies reg­u­larly need to privat­ize a place for a pro­fes­sion­al meet­ing in Normandy.

Nor­mandy offers numer­ous ven­ues to hold a meet­ing in a sump­tu­ous set­ting less than 2 hours from Par­is. The region is known world­wide for :

  • Its tour­ist spots ;
  • Its pre­served land­scapes between land and sea ;
  • Its gast­ro­nomy and its art of living.

The CID Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter wel­comes you for your pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings on the Côte Fleur­ie by offer­ing you equipped and flex­ible meet­ing rooms.

Rent a meeting room on the Côte Fleurie

In the heart of Nor­mandy, the Pays d’Auge coast­line stretches from Cabourg to Hon­fleur. An ener­giz­ing sea­side, a cer­tain taste for eleg­ance, a well-pre­served archi­tec­ture… The Côte Fleur­ie is the place to be for a reju­ven­at­ing cor­por­ate meet­ing. Depend­ing on the num­ber of par­ti­cipants, choose a stra­tegic and unusu­al loc­a­tion from among the best meet­ing rooms on the Côte Fleur­ie: charm­ing res­id­ences, lux­uri­ous hotels, or a con­fer­ence cen­ter

La Villa Strassburger de Deauville
La Villa Strassburger de Deauville
Les planches de la plage de Deauville
Les Planches © Patrice Le Bris

Privatize a venue for a corporate meeting by the sea

A meet­ing room in Deau­ville allows you to bene­fit from the idyll­ic set­ting of the sea­side resort: a walk on the myth­ic­al Deau­ville boards will allow par­ti­cipants to relax while breath­ing the sea air… Dis­cov­er Deau­ville and fall under the charm of the eleg­ant sea­side resort dur­ing your meet­ings at the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville: CID.

Dis­cov­er Deauville

Organize your corporate meeting at CID Deauville

The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter can help you rent a cus­tom­ized meet­ing room in Deau­ville. The CID Deau­ville is loc­ated a few steps from the beach of Deau­ville, it is the place to be for your cor­por­ate meet­ing in Nor­mandy in a priv­ileged setting!

Room rent­al for com­pan­ies is the spe­cialty of the Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter. With more than 20 meet­ing rooms at your dis­pos­al, 7,000m² of car­peted halls, 2 aud­it­or­i­ums for your con­fer­ences, mod­u­lar spaces equipped with bars for your breaks and cock­tails, a crys­tal tent on the ter­races, not for­get­ting the Villa le Cercle, a charm­ing res­id­ence loc­ated a few meters from the Nor­mandy Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. Our events team will assist you in book­ing all the mod­u­lar spaces to host your pro­fes­sion­al meet­ing in Deau­ville on the Côte Fleurie.

Vis­it the CID Deauville

An experienced events team

At CID Deau­ville, a team of thirty employ­ees works daily to make each pro­fes­sion­al event unique and mem­or­able. You will be accom­pan­ied through­out your pro­ject of organ­iz­ing a pro­fes­sion­al meet­ing in Deau­ville by a ded­ic­ated sales rep­res­ent­at­ive, a pro­ject man­ager and a stage manager:

  • Selec­tion of the ven­ue for a cor­por­ate meeting
  • Equip­ment and con­fig­ur­a­tion of the pro­fes­sion­al meet­ing room
  • Per­son­al­ized wel­come of the par­ti­cipants, dir­ec­tion­al sig­nage to the meet­ing space
  • Organ­iz­a­tion of breaks and cater­ing dur­ing your cor­por­ate meet­ing at CID Deauville
  • Choice of anim­a­tion, incent­ive or team-build­ing if your meet­ing sched­ule allows it!
  • Espace de réception Sundance - C.I.D
  • Terrasse Villa Le Cercle
  • La salle de réunion Tootsie en théâtre

What do our customers say?

Dis­cov­er the cus­tom­er testimonials

  • Dominique Printemps

    Secretary of the FNAIM region

    The FNAIM regularly organizes its Assises Normandes de l'Immobilier at the C.I.D. We are always perfectly accompanied so that these days are a success, in a framework which lends itself perfectly to this type of event.

  • Olivier Guillôme

    Regional Manager IFNE Generali

    A perfectly located site. A very high level infrastructure and much warmer than a classic convention center. Commercial and technical teams that communicate to enhance the event. A large hotel capacity nearby

  • Charlotte Huynh

    Communications Officer Crédit du Nord

    We have been working with C.I.D. for many years and we are always satisfied. The teams are welcoming, responsive and always ready to listen.

The event all on foot at the Normandy convention center

The concept of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment is becom­ing more and more import­ant in the cri­ter­ia for rent­ing a ven­ue for a cor­por­ate meet­ing. The choice of a com­mit­ted and sus­tain­able ven­ue for cor­por­ate meet­ings has become essen­tial. The CID Deau­ville has been work­ing for many years to reduce the car­bon foot­print of its event activ­ity. It integ­rates in its strategy the main guidelines of the inter­na­tion­al stand­ard ded­ic­ated to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in the event industry:

  • ISO 20121 cer­ti­fied Con­ven­tion Center
  • Safe Con­gress Sécuri-site

    The eco-respons­ible event at C.I.D Deauville

    The Centre des Con­grès Deau­ville is ideally loc­ated to organ­ize a com­pany meet­ing with­in walk­ing dis­tance: all the infra­struc­tures neces­sary for the event are con­cen­trated on 4Km² ! Hotels, meet­ing spaces, res­taur­ants, incent­ive venues…

    Deau­ville on foot

    Some com­pan­ies trans­form pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings in Deau­ville into a nomad­ic work space: meet­ings take place in nearby loc­a­tions, to change the set­ting and enter­tain the participants!

    Salon Rotonde en plénière à la Villa le Cercle Deauville
    Salon Rotonde en plén­ière à la Villa le Cercle Deauville

    Fully equipped meeting rooms

    At CID Deau­ville, meet­ing rooms are equipped with audi­ovisu­al equip­ment to facil­it­ate inter­act­ive exchanges. Depend­ing on the num­ber of par­ti­cipants, you will find the right room(s) for all types of events. Find the ideal meet­ing space among all the pro­fes­sion­al meet­ing spaces offered by the con­ven­tion center:

    More than 20 meet­ing rooms for 20 to 130 par­ti­cipants, some of which are divis­ible and have a mod­u­lar configuration

    The Sund­ance space for 60 to 350 par­ti­cipants: a space with a cosy and upscale design. It has an inde­pend­ent entrance, a cater­ing office, a bar…

    The rooms of the Villa Le Cercle : the charm­ing res­id­ence and its 4 recep­tion rooms will give all its eleg­ance to your com­pany meeting!

    • Organizing a company meeting : the objectives

      Information meeting

      The information meeting is very common in companies. Participants attend a plenary meeting: one or more speakers take turns addressing the items on the agenda. The objective is to provide information to all participants, so that they all have the same level of information.
      The CID Deauville has beautiful meeting rooms available for rent to accommodate all types of information meetings in Normandy.

      Exchange Meetings

      Exchange meetings bring participants together to discuss common issues. They allow you to free up your thoughts and exchange ideas more easily with your colleagues. They are often moderated by members of the management or by experts in the fields studied.

      This type of meeting requires flexible meeting rooms with specific configurations, suitable for group work for example. For a large number of participants, the specialization of the rooms will make it possible to divide the participants into small committees in several meeting rooms initially, then to gather all the members in a dedicated meeting room for the restitution of the work.

      The modularity of the meeting rooms in the Palais des Congrès in deauville allows for exchange meetings to be held in the CID.

      Management meeting

      When an important decision has to be taken, or when the objectives of the strategy have to be reviewed before a board of directors meeting for example. This type of meeting is held in a small group of varying duration and brings together the management committee. The rental of a meeting room or office can then be requested at short notice, to meet the company's urgent needs. Private rooms in places of reception allowing to preserve the discretion will be necessary.

      The CID is the place to rent a room for an executive meeting in Normandy.

    • The choice of the place of the meeting

      There are many sites for renting dedicated spaces for a company meeting. To save time, define the maximum travel time, this data will allow you to target the destination to refine your search. For example, renting a meeting room for a day or a half-day in Deauville, 2 hours from Paris, is a choice that many companies make.

      When choosing your meeting place, please check the following elements:

      • The capacity of the meeting rooms offered for rent ;
      • The accessibility of your meeting site : participants must be able to reach an external meeting room within the time you have initially set. Do not exceed 2 hours travel time for a one-day meeting for example ;
      • The simple process of renting a meeting room: contact us, and a sales representative will provide a clear and detailed estimate within 48 working hours ;
      • The necessary technical equipment (furniture, audiovisual...). The configuration of the meeting tables is of great importance: favor round or square tables for small workshops or work groups, a U-shaped room is conducive to exchange and brainstorming, a conference or theater room allows speakers to take the floor successively.

      Download the brochure

      Brochure sur la création d'événements

      Have a question? 
      Please contact us!

      Let's talk about your event project, we will answer all your questions.

      The CID Deauville convention center offers you equipped meeting rooms and top-of-the-line meeting rooms for rent, quality services and support from the CID Deauville events team: one of the best convention centers in France.