Organize a convention in France in Deauville

The Deauville Convention Center welcomes you for your convention in Normandy

Le Centre International de Deauville
The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, con­ven­tion center

Choosing the right venue for your convention is of the utmost importance: the advantages of Deauville

Once the object­ives have been set and the guest list has been drawn up, you will start look­ing for the event space that will host your cor­por­ate event, that unique place that will leave a last­ing impres­sion on your employ­ees. This step is cru­cial to the suc­cess of your cor­por­ate con­ven­tion. You are on the right site if you are look­ing for a ven­ue for a cor­por­ate con­ven­tion in France and more pre­cisely in Nor­mandy.

Les célèbres planches de Deauville
Deauville - Hôtel Normandy***** Resort barrière
Deauville - Hôtel Normandy***** Resort barrière - jBasile
Photo de l'avenue Lucien Barrière

A corporate convention less than 2 hours from Paris

Organ­iz­ing your pro­fes­sion­al event in Deau­ville means optim­iz­ing travel time by choos­ing a loc­a­tion with good access: Deau­ville is loc­ated in the cen­ter of Nor­mandy, 2 hours from Par­is. Deau­ville is access­ible by car, train and plane.

Com­ing to Deauville

A corporate convention by the sea

The sea­side resort of Deau­ville is one of France’s lead­ing des­tin­a­tions: it is known for its beach and its fam­ous Planches de Deau­ville, its race­courses, its casino, its golf courses, its art of living…
The par­ti­cipants of the con­ven­tion will be charmed and feel honored to go to “the cor­por­ate con­ven­tion in a place that has an inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion”.

His­tory of Deauville

A company convention on foot

Deau­ville is on a human scale. All the infra­struc­tures are con­cen­trated on 4 km², for large-scale events:

  • 2200 hotel rooms ;
  • Excep­tion­al recep­tion ven­ues includ­ing the CID Deau­ville and the Villa le Cercle Deau­ville ;
  • Mul­tiple activ­it­ies to cre­ate them­at­ic con­ven­tions in Deauville ;

    Vis­it Deauville

    An eco-responsible company convention

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter has obtained ISO 20121 cer­ti­fic­a­tion and the City of Deau­ville has been awar­ded the Sus­tain­able Innov­at­ive Des­tin­a­tion label. The com­mit­ments to reduce envir­on­ment­al impact coupled with the concept of the all-walk event allow the busi­ness con­ven­tion to be part of a sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and eco-respons­ib­il­ity logic.

    The eco-respons­ible event

    Les terrasses du C.I.D lors d'un événement
    Terrasses PASSVIP Festival ©J

    Bring your employees together on the Normandy coast at the Centre des Congrès in Deauville

    You bene­fit from the sup­port of a ded­ic­ated event team to organ­ize your con­ven­tion in Deau­ville at the Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. They will guide you in mak­ing your choice among the CID’s con­ven­tion spaces: 18,000 m² of space for events from 50 to 7,000 par­ti­cipants: from mod­u­lar meet­ing rooms to atyp­ic­al recep­tion rooms for your com­pany party.
    Organ­ize the con­ven­tion that will be remembered at the CID in Deau­ville, the teams at the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter will help you find and reserve the ideal event space for your cor­por­ate con­ven­tion in Deau­ville, con­tact us!

    Vis­it the spaces of the CID Deauville

    • What is the purpose of a convention?

      A company convention is an internal event related to business tourism, a meeting of the actors of the same company in a warm setting. Employees from different departments, the management committee, the sales force, the entire distribution network... are invited. The general idea of a company convention in Deauville is to gather all the employees in a friendly atmosphere like the one in the Deauville convention center on the seaside.

      There are many objectives for organizing a corporate event of this type:

      • Unite the teams and encourage their cohesion
      • Send a strong message to your employees
      • To present the new products to come
      • Communicate the new strategy to adopt
      • Announce the excellent results of the year
      • Encourage exchanges with the management in a pleasant setting



      • Fédérer les équipes et favoriser leur cohésion
      • Faire passer un message fort à vos collaborateurs
      • Présenter les nouveautés à venir
      • Communiquer la nouvelle stratégie à adopter
      • Annoncer les excellents résultats de l’année
      • Favoriser les échanges avec les dirigeants dans un cadre agréable

      The company convention is therefore an opportunity to energize the teams and launch new strategies. Meetings and workshops alternate with more informal moments of exchange and sharing:

      The convivial moments during a convention are an ideal opportunity to close ranks and create a team spirit.

      More generally, the organization of a convention allows you to communicate a message to your employees, service providers and also to your partners: your company is dynamic, you are attentive to your employees and their well-being.

    Download the brochure

    Brochure sur la création d'événements

    Want to organize an event at CID?

    For an inspiring, lasting, resounding and unforgettable event!