Organize a Congress at the Palais des Congrès in Deauville

  • 2H from Paris

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is quickly access­ible. The prox­im­ity of all the infra­struc­tures allows you to organ­ize your con­gress on foot. 
  • Hotel capacity

    2,200 hotel rooms from 2 to 5 stars with­in 10 minutes walk­ing distance.
  • State-of-the-art equipment

    Sound Kara L Acous­tics and Dolby ATMOS in the Michel d’Or­nano aud­it­or­i­um. Hybrid­iz­a­tion of the events. Scenography… 

Deauville as a conference destination

Normandy : a busines tourism destination par excellence

Nor­mandy has a strong repu­ta­tion in France and through­out the world. The Des­tin­a­tion is appre­ci­ated by pro­fes­sion­al event organ­izers for its art of liv­ing and its excep­tion­al cul­tur­al her­it­age.

Photo de la place Morny à Deauville
Ville 12 - Place Morny ┬® Delphine Barre╠ü Lerouxel -inDeauville

Normandy, an economic powerhouse

Nor­mandy has many assets to wel­come organ­izers and par­ti­cipants to dif­fer­ent con­gresses with its dynam­ic eco­nomy. Nor­mandy is :

  • France’s 1st mari­time coast­line — French region for horse breeding ;
  • 1st world cen­ter for per­fumery and cos­met­ics ;
  • 2nd French region in medi­cin­al chem­istry ;
  • 4th largest short-stay tour­ism mar­ket in France ;
  • 6th largest export­ing region in France ;

Normandy’s competitiveness clusters

5 dynam­ic com­pet­it­ive­ness clusters make the region a driv­ing force for the French economy:

    All the cultural heritage of Normandy for your conference incentives

    Take advant­age of this pro­fes­sion­al stay to dis­cov­er the won­ders of the Nor­mandy region to the participants:

    La villa Strassburger à Deauville
    Le port de Honfleur
    Activité de régate à Deauville

    The Deauville Convention Center: The place to host your convention

    The Nor­mandy Con­ven­tion Cen­ter offers more than 18,000 m² of space for the organ­iz­a­tion of pro­fes­sion­al events. The capa­city is from 50 to 7000 par­ti­cipants. The organ­iz­a­tion of the mod­u­lar spaces is remark­able and makes it a per­fect ven­ue for congresses:

    • 2 aud­it­or­i­ums of 1,497 (mod­u­lar) and 223 seats
    • An exhib­i­tion hall of 7,250 m² divis­ible: a place to host major inter­na­tion­al trade shows
    • 20 meet­ing rooms
    • 2,500 m² of ter­races, includ­ing 700 m² of crys­tal struc­ture on the seafront
    • The Villa Le Cercle: 4 lounges, 1 ter­race and 1 garden
    • 1,200 park­ing spaces in the imme­di­ate vicinity

    Vis­it the spaces of the CID Deauville

    Réception dans le hall 1 du Palais des Congrès

    CID Deauville’s state-of-the-art facilities for your conference

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is a bench­mark ven­ue for the organ­iz­a­tion of face-to-face, vir­tu­al or hybrid con­ven­tions. The tech­no­lo­gic­al equip­ment favored by the con­ven­tion organizer:

    • Fiber optics deliv­er­ing up to 200 Mbps, advanced sound, light and light­ing tech­niques, video, aug­men­ted and vir­tu­al real­ity, giant screens and pro­jec­tion equipment ;
    • A wide range of con­fig­ur­a­tions, cus­tom-made scen­ic ambi­ances, stage fur­niture, trans­la­tion booths ;
    • The Michel d’Or­nano aud­it­or­i­um is equipped with KARA L Acous­tics sound and DOLBY ATMOS tech­no­logy ;
    • Safety file and 2D & 3D lay­out plans, dynam­ic signage ;

    This tech­no­lo­gic­al equip­ment allows us to host large con­ven­tions and makes it one of the best con­ven­tion cen­ters in France.

    The experienced event team dedicated to congresses in Normandy

    CID Deau­ville’s event team man­ages your pro­fes­sion­al con­gress from A to Z. The ded­ic­ated team for each pro­fes­sion­al event is gen­er­ally com­posed of a sales man­ager, a pro­ject man­ager and a stage man­ager. They take care of the entire man­age­ment of the congress:

    • Recruit­ment of staff and tech­nic­al teams ;
    • online regis­tra­tion ;
    • digit­al tick­et­ing, badges edi­tion, and access con­trol to the congress ;
    • accom­mod­a­tion ;
    • Cater­ing solu­tions : CID Deau­ville’s cater­ing ser­vice orches­trates breaks, cock­tails, lunches and din­ners in con­junc­tion with the best region­al and loc­al ser­vice pro­viders and caterers.

    Un congrès dans le hall du C.I.D

    What do our customers say?

    All cus­tom­er testimonials

    • Hubert de l’Estoile

      General Delegate - AMRAE

      With a very professional and attentive team and its "all-in-one" environment in Deauville, the C.I.D. with its top-of-the-range infrastructure is a rare destination in France for the organization of demanding and responsible conferences such as the AMRAE Meetings.

    • Agnès Violet

      Director of Operations WMH Project

      Annual medical congress at the CID in Deauville at the beginning of May 2022 with 350 participants. Very well equipped and clean venue. A very professional team, attentive to the client's needs, both during the response to the AO and on site, showing great flexibility and knowing how to take our needs into account,
      Proposing solutions, always available. The technical assistance of quality also showing flexibility. The catering team was also available, with carefully prepared buffets, respecting the schedules.
      In short, a big thank you to all. We really feel a positive, benevolent and respectful spirit in this company.

    • Sandrine Kamiski

      CFE-CGC Events Manager

      So far, Deauville has been the best destination for the organization of our event. Indeed, you have an undeniable asset: Deauville is a town on a human scale, and participants can easily find each other during their free time. We had the feeling of staying in a big village and it's very pleasant: the hotels, the C.I.D., the restaurants and the city center are centralized, all the facilities are accessible on foot.

    • Organize a conference by the sea

      Accessibility is essential to bring together several hundred participants, sometimes from all over France or from abroad. Deauville has many advantages that make it the ideal seaside business tourism destination.

      Organize a congress by the sea less than 2 hours from Paris

      Deauville is located in Normandy, on the Côte Fleurie, less than 2 hours from Paris. Deauville is well served by air and by road:

      • Saint-Gatien-des-Bois airport;
      • Caen-Carpiquet airport;
      • A13 freeway;
      • Trouville-Deauville train station;

      The Convention Center is easily accessible from the train station and the airport: the participants of the professional congress are quickly gathered at the event venue on the seaside.

      Deauville: a renowned destination for an international congress

      Deauville is a world-renowned business tourism destination. It has an aura and elegance that outperforms professional conventions.

      A city on a human scale with the accommodation capacity of a metropolis for your convention

      Deauville has a large accommodation capacity to host large-scale conventions. With 2,200 hotel rooms ranging from 2 to 5 stars, all located less than 15 minutes from the Deauville Convention Center, travel time for delegates is reduced.

    • Organize a congress all by foot in Normandy

      Deauville is known for its expertise in organizing events on foot. All the infrastructures needed for the organization of a congress are concentrated on 4 Km²: an asset for your congress!

      • 40 restaurants including 3 Michelin starred
      • 440 shops
      • 1.5 km of beach bordered by the famous "Planches de Deauville": right next to the Deauville Convention Center!
      • 1 Casino
      • 4 surrounding golf courses
      • 2 racecourses
      • 1 International Horse Center
      • 1 Thalassotherapy Center located in front of the Deauville Convention Center
      • 19 tennis courts
      • 1 Olympic seawater swimming pool
      • 1 automobile circuit
      • numerous historical villas and the cultural center "Les Franciscaines" for the organization of the congress gala evenings in an exceptional setting

      Discover Deauville "all on foot"

    • A committed and sustainable venue for congresses

      Deauville has been awarded the Sustainable Innovative Destination label. It is a committed and sustainable venue for a trade show. All the players in business and leisure tourism are working in the same direction: That of reducing the impact of tourism activities and corporate events to preserve the planet.


      Find out more about our commitments to sustainable development

    The commitments of the Deauville Convention Center

    ISO 20121 certified convention center in France

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is cer­ti­fied ISO 20121: a stand­ard spe­cif­ic to the event industry that out­lines a frame­work and broad guidelines for redu­cing the social, envir­on­ment­al and eco­nom­ic impact of events.

    Safe Congress Convention Center in France

    The CID Deau­ville con­ven­tion cen­ter has been awar­ded the Safe Con­gress label: It imple­ments the health pro­to­cols applic­able at the time of the events in an effect­ive man­ner to pro­tect the par­ti­cipants.

    Convention Center Securi-site in France

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is in con­stant con­tact with law enforce­ment agen­cies, insti­tu­tions and private organ­iz­a­tions to rein­force secur­ity meas­ures for tour­ists and relay pre­ven­tion messages.

    Organizing a conference: what for?

    Halls du centre international de Deauville en congrès
    Halls du C.I.D en congrès
    • What is a Congress?

      The term congress belongs to the MICE (Meetings, Incentive, Conferences and Exhibitions) or Events sector, in other words, it is a particular format of professional event. Unlike a convention, a seminar or a day of study gathering only the internal public of a company, a congress is a "solemn meeting" favoring the exchanges in the professional group of a sector, around a common theme.
      Professional congresses are generally organized by professional associations, public decision-makers (public authorities, lobbyists), learned societies, or international intergovernmental organizations... Scientific congresses are organized at the initiative of universities, research centers...

    • Share experiences and knowledge during a congress in Normandy

      A professional congress is a place of exchange and debate. It has several objectives of visibility and cohesion:

      • to exchange ideas
      • to discuss a subject
      • to make the results known
      • to network

      A professional congress is held over several days and brings together many delegates for a series of events. It is therefore necessary to find a room with a large capacity, or even several conference spaces:

      • Spaces for conferences and workshops such as meeting rooms or auditoriums;
      • Exhibition areas to allow exhibitors to showcase new products to the entire professional sector;
      • Incentive and activity areas to strengthen the links between the guests of the congress;
      • Reception rooms to organize dinners and gala evenings in a musical and festive atmosphere..;

      The congress is permanent: the event organizer invites you to an annual congress, organized at the same periods from one year to the next.

    • The best places to organize a congress

      Convention centers are the ideal places for congresses, they have :

      • An ideal geographical location in large cities: they are perfectly served and easily accessible;
      • The hotel capacity to accommodate all the participants;
      • Large capacity seminar and conference rooms to host large-scale events;
      • Modular spaces fulfilling all desired functions: meeting rooms, exhibition halls, auditoriums, reception rooms for gala evenings..;

    Download the brochure

    Brochure sur la création d'événements

    Want to organize an event at CID?

    For an inspiring, lasting, resounding and unforgettable event!