Professional spaceCID Deauville • The Deauville Convention Centre

The Deauville Convention Centre

  • 18 000m² of spaces
  • 140 events per year
  • 97% of satisfied customers

Deauville: An ideal geographical location for organizing events by the sea

Since the 1960s, Deau­ville’s charm has worked for both pro­fes­sion­al and gen­er­al pub­lic event organ­izers. Deau­ville’s beach and board­walk have an inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion and a strong power of attrac­tion. Deau­ville ful­fills the three cri­ter­ia for a cor­por­ate event organ­izer look­ing for :

The idea of cre­at­ing a con­fer­ence cen­ter close to Deau­ville’s board­walk is tak­ing shape in the minds of polit­ic­al decision-makers and the city’s main tour­ism stakeholders.

His­tory of Deauville

Le Centre International de Deauville vu du ciel
Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville
Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville ©JacquesBASILE
Espace Jack Valenti - C.I.D
La scène de l'auditorium Michel d'Ornano - C.I.D

Deauville: Ideal infrastructures for delegates

The cre­ation of a con­ven­tion cen­ter in Deau­ville is all the more obvi­ous since this sea­side resort of only 4,000 inhab­it­ants already has all the ideal infra­struc­tures for con­ven­tion­eers, only 2 hours from Par­is:

  • Numer­ous private hotels for a res­id­en­tial sem­in­ar;
  • Res­taur­ants with a large capa­city of reception;
  • Charm­ing vil­las for the organ­iz­a­tion of even­ing events;
  • The Bar­rière Casino, the race­courses, the golf courses, the ten­nis courts; all of which are ideal for team build­ing activities.

Vis­it Deauville

The CID Deauville: a pillar of business tourism in Deauville

Michel d’Or­nano, May­or of Deau­ville, togeth­er with Lucien Bar­rière, envi­sioned the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter pro­ject as a place for sem­inars and con­ven­tions far from large, over­sized cit­ies, with facil­it­ies con­cen­trated for busi­ness travel in Normandy:

Dis­cov­er the spaces of the CID Deauville

  • Le C.I.D en début de soirée
  • C.I.D - Accueil Normandy
  • La coupole du C.I.D
  • Conférence dans le hall 1 du C.I.D
  • Les terrasses du C.I.D
  • Une projection lors du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The assets of the CID Deauville

  • Seaside

    Feet in the sand on the beach of Deauville
  • Walking Event

    All the infra­struc­tures on 4 Km²
  • CID Engaged

    CSR respons­ib­il­ity and sus­tain­able commitments

The Palais des Congrès Deauville: The perfect place for business and leisure tourism in France

The Deau­ville Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter was inaug­ur­ated in 1992 by act­or and dir­ect­or Clint East­wood on the occa­sion of the 18th Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al.

Loc­ated on the seafront and oppos­ite the Deau­ville casino, this 18,000 m² semi-bur­ied build­ing, spread over three levels, is a real archi­tec­tur­al feat. The Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville offers all types of space rent­al for pro­fes­sion­al events.

The spaces of the CID Deauville

  • 2 aud­it­or­i­ums with 1497 and 223 seats;
  • 4 large car­peted exhib­i­tion halls of 7,000 m² ;
  • + 20 meet­ing rooms, for cor­por­ate meet­ings of 20 to 150 people;
  • Ter­races;
  • Numer­ous mod­u­lar spaces;
  • An excep­tion­al recep­tion ven­ue: the Villa le Cercle.

Vis­it the CID Deauville

For all types of professional events

The remark­able mod­u­lar­ity of the build­ing’s spaces still makes it one of the best con­ven­tion cen­ters in France and a place that can host cor­por­ate meet­ings of 60 to 7,000 par­ti­cipants as well as major polit­ic­al sum­mits such as the G8, and the G11 …

All your pro­fes­sion­al events at CID Deauville

The CID Anne d’Ornano

In 2014, the CID Deau­ville con­ven­tion cen­ter will be renamed CID Anne d’Or­nano, in hon­or of the woman who spear­headed this ambi­tious pro­ject to cre­ate a ven­ue ded­ic­ated to trade shows in France.

Video player, caption of the video to launch

CID Deauville’s commitment: To make your corporate event unforgettable

A turnkey corporate event solution in Normandy

Are you look­ing for flex­ible spaces to adapt to your pro­fes­sion­al event in Normandy?
At CID Deau­ville, each event is unique, wheth­er it’s a trade show, con­ven­tion, cor­por­ate sem­in­ar, team build­ing, product launch, intern­al meet­ing or incent­ive sem­in­ar… All busi­ness meet­ings at CID bene­fit from per­son­al­ized sup­port. A ded­ic­ated events team — sales man­ager, pro­ject man­ager and stage man­ager — works togeth­er with the organ­izer to guar­an­tee excel­lent service.

The Deauville Convention Centre is ISO 20121 certified

The Nor­mandy Con­ven­tion Cen­ter imple­ments the guidelines of a high qual­ity stand­ard on a daily basis: it is ISO 20121 cer­ti­fied. This stand­ard of respons­ible man­age­ment in the event industry has enabled the CID to grow in import­ance. It is the ven­ue for nearly 140 pro­fes­sion­al and gen­er­al pub­lic events per year in Nor­mandy. The event teams are trained to respect the stand­ards in the event industry, wheth­er it is the safety of people and par­ti­cipants — the Con­ven­tion Centre is cer­ti­fied Sécuri-Site — or the strict respect of health pro­to­cols in force at the time of each event — the Pal­ais des Con­grès is cer­ti­fied Safe Con­gress -.

The eco-respons­ible event at the CID

Organizing sustainable events at CID Deauville

As pre­vi­ously men­tioned, this sem­in­ar and con­fer­ence ven­ue loc­ated far from the big cit­ies con­cen­trates all the infra­struc­tures for the organ­iz­a­tion of events on foot. This asset allows the CID Deau­ville to lim­it the impact of the organ­iz­a­tion of events by favor­ing soft mobil­ity. Because sus­tain­able devel­op­ment is every­one’s busi­ness, tour­ism stake­hold­ers in the Deau­ville area have joined forces to imple­ment future solu­tions for event organ­izers: The CID Deau­ville has worked for the labeling of Deau­ville as a “Sus­tain­able Innov­at­ive Des­tin­a­tion”.

Our clients testify

All cus­tom­er testimonials

  • Hubert de l’Estoile

    General Delegate - AMRAE

    With a very professional and attentive team and its "all-in-one" environment in Deauville, the C.I.D. with its top-of-the-range infrastructure is a rare destination in France for the organization of demanding and responsible conferences such as the AMRAE Meetings.

  • Maryline Sepre

    Project Manager Marketing Events Trucks - Mercedes-Benz Trucks France

    We have evolved in a very pleasant place: it is large, spacious, we particularly appreciated the Michel d'Ornano auditorium because the participants are always very well placed. The committee rooms are new, very well adapted, with touch screens, the equipment is perfect. We worked with a very nice team on the ground, responsive and professional, it was very pleasant for us to work with the C.I.D. team!

  • Elisabeth Falque

    President of the Association and of the AIOF Congress

    A very good organization, an excellent listening to the customer, with a lot of efficiency, I recommend the C.I.D. A very pleasant congress.

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Brochure sur la création d'événements
Un stand lors d'un salon au C.I.D

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Brochure sur la création d'événements