Deauville Motor Show: the must-attend event for car and motorbike enthusiasts


The sound of engines, the smell of leath­er, gleam­ing chrome and incred­ible lines… Cars stir up so many emo­tions in people’s minds that a show ded­ic­ated to the auto­mot­ive world in Deau­ville is bound to draw crowds. Wheth­er you’re a lov­er of fine mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing, a pro­fes­sion­al in the sec­tor or simply curi­ous to redis­cov­er the cars that marked your child­hood and adoles­cence, the “Deau­ville Clas­sic” Car Show is an excep­tion­al event in Nor­mandy, and more par­tic­u­larly on the Côte Fleur­ie. Set in the heart of the pres­ti­gi­ous Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville (CID), this event brings togeth­er a unique range of clas­sic vehicles — from 1950 to the present day — in a set­ting where eleg­ance and pas­sion come togeth­er to perfection.


An event dedicated to classic car enthusiasts and professionals

After a mag­ni­fi­cent first edi­tion , the Deau­ville Clas­sic Car Show isn’t just about exhib­it­ing vehicles: it’s designed to be a real cross­roads for exchanges between enthu­si­asts, deal­ers, equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­ers and com­pan­ies in the auto­mot­ive sec­tor. Wheth­er you’re a col­lect­or of vin­tage mod­els, or a fan of super­cars and sports cars, this show is the ideal oppor­tun­ity to dis­cov­er, com­pare and exchange ideas with the best play­ers on the market.

The event is also a must-see plat­form, with the pres­ence of icon­ic brands and spe­cial­ist exhib­it­ors. Thanks to the CID exhib­i­tion area, which will fea­ture over 150 exhib­it­ors, enthu­si­asts will be able to browse and find exclus­ive equip­ment and col­lect­ors’ items to enhance their out­fits, cars and gar­ages. The Con­cours d’El­eg­ance and the auc­tion of vin­tage vehicles are just some of the activ­it­ies that will punc­tu­ate the day in Deau­ville, sur­roun­ded by experts from the auto­mot­ive industry. The first edi­tion of the show wel­comed a host of celebrit­ies, includ­ing Olivi­er de Stephano of Vin­tage Mecan­ic, Jean-Ben­oit Rou­meguere of Clas­sic Cars Com­pag­nie, Dav­id El Hay­ani of Reflet de cuir, and auc­tion­eer Patrice Gras.


The CID Deauville: an ideal setting for a motor show less than 2 hours from Paris


Loc­ated just two hours from Par­is, Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville (CID) offers an excep­tion­al set­ting for host­ing an event of this scale in Nor­mandy. With its 18,000 sq. metres of mod­u­lar space, spa­cious halls and high-tech facil­it­ies, the CID is the per­fect show­case for the vehicles on display.

The archi­tec­ture of the ven­ue facil­it­ates an immers­ive exper­i­ence, where vis­it­ors can move freely between the dif­fer­ent stands, dis­cov­er the mod­els and watch live demon­stra­tions. The car parks and access roads are spe­cially designed to allow vehicles to be dis­played over a large area.

Deau­ville, with its time­less eleg­ance, lux­ury hotels and infra­struc­ture suited to major events, is the per­fect set­ting for a motor show in France. Between vis­its to the stands, par­ti­cipants can enjoy the sea­side set­ting, gour­met res­taur­ants and enter­tain­ment on offer in the town. The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Centre offers you the oppor­tun­ity to organ­ise and attend a motor show by the sea in France.

Con­tact us

A wide range of cars and motorbikes in one place

What sets the Deau­ville Motor Show apart is the diversity of the vehicles on dis­play. There’s some­thing for every enthu­si­ast here, with exhib­i­tions and sales of beau­ti­ful clas­sic cars.

Dream cars for enthusiasts

The car over 30 years old that can achieve the fam­ous status of ‘clas­sic car’ is out of its gar­age, restored and pampered by its ador­ing own­er… While the mar­ket for new and used vehicles has been shrink­ing in recent years, the mar­ket for clas­sic cars has not. It’s a mar­ket of enthu­si­asts, a source of jobs and tech­no­lo­gic­al innovation.

Deauville Motor Show in Normandy: the theme of Motor Racing

Legendary racing cars will be on dis­play along­side clas­sic cars. It’s a theme that prom­ises plenty of sur­prises to impress visitors.

Highlights of the Deauville Motor Show

The Deau­ville Motor Show is more than just a stat­ic exhib­i­tion: it’s designed to be a dynam­ic, inter­act­ive event.

Auction sale

While the prices of some cars are skyrock­et­ing, enthu­si­asts can still find more afford­able vehicles and make their ‘child­hood dream’ come true. The auc­tion is one of the most eagerly awaited events, with some excep­tion­al vehicles on display.

Concours d’élégance and exclusive exhibitions.

L’édition de Deau­ville met en avant des mod­èles d’exception, avec une sélec­tion de voit­ures de col­lec­tion, hyper­cars et motos rares exposées dans un cadre prestigieux.

Meetings and networking

Build­ers, dis­trib­ut­ors, investors and enthu­si­asts come togeth­er in a friendly atmo­sphere that encour­ages exchanges and partnerships.

Why is Deauville the ideal destination for this event?

Deau­ville is much more than a sump­tu­ous set­ting for a motor show in France: it’s a town syn­onym­ous with eleg­ance and prestige, known for host­ing inter­na­tion­al events by the sea. With its top-class infra­struc­ture, var­ied accom­mod­a­tion and unique atmo­sphere, it’s the ideal ven­ue for a motor show.

  • Easy access: just 2 hours from Par­is, Deau­ville is served by train, road and even an air­port for inter­na­tion­al visitors.
  • Top-of-the-range ser­vices: 5‑star hotels, gour­met res­taur­ants, casi­nos and well­ness centres com­plete the exper­i­ence, provid­ing a pleas­ant stay for vis­it­ors and exhib­it­ors alike.
  • A motor­ing town: with its many motor­ing events through­out the year, Deau­ville is an ideal ven­ue for enthu­si­asts of fine automobiles.

Down­load the CID brochure

Wheth­er you’re an organ­iser, exhib­it­or, pro­fes­sion­al or enthu­si­ast, the Salon Auto­mobile de Deau­ville is the essen­tial event for dis­cov­er­ing, shar­ing and exper­i­en­cing the world of clas­sic cars and motorbikes.

Stay tuned for the detailed pro­gramme, exhib­it­ors and high­lights of this excep­tion­al event, and get ready to live out your pas­sion for motor­ing in a unique set­ting in Deauville!

Mobility of the future

The Deau­ville Motor Show is much more than just a gath­er­ing for enthu­si­asts of fine motor­ing: it’s a show­case for the devel­op­ments and innov­a­tions that are rede­fin­ing the future of mobil­ity. Faced with the chal­lenges of the envir­on­ment and the energy trans­ition, man­u­fac­tur­ers are vying with each oth­er to come up with ingeni­ous solu­tions that are clean­er, smarter and more efficient.

Electrification at the heart of developments

The rise of 100% elec­tric vehicles is undeniable:

  • Improved range thanks to new-gen­er­a­tion bat­ter­ies (sol­id, lith­i­um-sul­phur, sodium-ion).
  • Ultra-fast rechar­ging: high-power sta­tions, wire­less rechar­ging and bid­irec­tion­al rechar­ging solu­tions (V2G).
  • New mod­els ran­ging from com­pact city cars to ultra-high-per­form­ance elec­tric hypercars.

Hydrogen: a promising alternative

While elec­tric vehicles dom­in­ate the mar­ket, hydro­gen is play­ing an increas­ingly import­ant role. At the show, fuel cell vehicles will be demon­strat­ing their poten­tial, par­tic­u­larly for :

  • Heavy-duty vehicles (trucks, buses, vans) requir­ing great­er range and short­er rechar­ging times.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al fleets and tax­is, where hydro­gen offers high effi­ciency over long distances.
  • Mobile rechar­ging sta­tions tailored to the spe­cif­ic needs of busi­nesses and loc­al authorities.

Autonomous and connected vehicles: towards intelligent driving

Advances in autonom­ous driv­ing and con­nec­ted vehicles:

  • Cars equipped with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence cap­able of ana­lys­ing the envir­on­ment in real time.
  • V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) com­mu­nic­a­tion sys­tems for seam­less inter­ac­tion between vehicles, ped­es­tri­ans and infrastructure.
  • Demon­stra­tions of autonom­ous shuttles, a concept that is devel­op­ing in urb­an envir­on­ments and on private sites.

Towards more sustainable, multimodal mobility

The new trends go bey­ond powertrains:

  • Micro-mobil­ity, with elec­tric bikes and scoot­ers integ­rated into urb­an trans­port solutions.
  • Syn­thet­ic fuels and bioen­er­gies, which could pro­long the future of intern­al com­bus­tion engines in a more envir­on­ment­ally-friendly form.
  • Shar­ing and mobil­ity on demand, with plat­forms offer­ing self-ser­vice vehicles tailored to users’ needs.

With an approach that com­bines tech­no­logy, eco­logy and innov­a­tion, the Deau­ville Motor Show is posi­tioned as a ver­it­able labor­at­ory for the trans­port of the future.

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