How to integrate team building into a company seminar


The cor­por­ate sem­in­ar is a key event for many com­pan­ies. It brings employ­ees togeth­er, dis­cusses future object­ives and strengthens team cohe­sion. How­ever, to make these events more dynam­ic and prof­it­able, integ­rat­ing team build­ing activ­it­ies proves to be an excel­lent idea.

Genesis and objectives of corporate seminars

Cor­por­ate sem­inars have been around for a long time, and have evolved over the years. They were ori­gin­ally con­ceived as form­al meet­ings where man­agers shared import­ant com­pany inform­a­tion. These events were also used to train employ­ees in new tech­no­lo­gies or methodologies.

Today, the object­ives of sem­inars are much more diver­si­fied. In addi­tion to train­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tion, they aim to improve col­lab­or­a­tion, integ­rate new employ­ees and boost pro­fes­sion­al per­form­ance. Com­pan­ies are now seek­ing to cre­ate envir­on­ments con­du­cive to per­son­al ful­fill­ment and the cre­ation of bonds between colleagues.

Criticisms and limitations of traditional practices

How­ever, tra­di­tion­al approaches to sem­inars have their lim­it­a­tions. Often too struc­tured and focused on top-down present­a­tions, they struggle to cap­ture the atten­tion of par­ti­cipants. The lack of inter­activ­ity fre­quently leads to a decline in interest and, con­sequently, effectiveness.

What’s more, these rigid formats don’t nat­ur­ally encour­age team-build­ing. With little oppor­tun­ity for inform­al exchanges or play­ful activ­it­ies, par­ti­cipants can leave without hav­ing really forged new rela­tion­ships with their col­leagues. These lim­it­a­tions have led to the emer­gence of new prac­tices: team build­ing.

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What is team building?

Team build­ing is a series of planned activ­it­ies designed to improve team con­nec­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion. Unlike tra­di­tion­al meet­ings, these activ­it­ies are often inter­act­ive and stim­u­lat­ing, some­times even tak­ing the form of games or challenges.

Team build­ing aims to strengthen team cohe­sion and increase col­lect­ive motiv­a­tion. For example, it can include sports and cul­tur­al activ­it­ies, or col­lab­or­at­ive pro­jects. It’s a great way to get to know your col­leagues in a way that’s dif­fer­ent from your day-to-day work.

Improve team cohesion and communication during a seminar

Integ­rat­ing team-build­ing ses­sions into a cor­por­ate sem­in­ar provides an envir­on­ment where employ­ees can relax while work­ing togeth­er. These moments break down hier­arch­ic­al bar­ri­ers and encour­age free and hon­est team com­mu­nic­a­tion.

For example, role-play­ing or situ­ation sim­u­la­tions not only enable learn­ing, but also improve mutu­al under­stand­ing and col­lab­or­a­tion. Team mem­bers dis­cov­er each oth­er­’s strengths and weak­nesses, facil­it­at­ing a bet­ter divi­sion of tasks on a day-to-day basis.

Towards more authentic and inclusive approaches

Pur­su­ing more authen­t­ic and inclus­ive meth­ods in cor­por­ate sem­inars will not only reach more par­ti­cipants, but also strengthen their com­mit­ment. Vari­ous forms of team build­ing are being adap­ted to meet the spe­cif­ic needs of today’s teams.

Incor­por­at­ing team-build­ing activ­it­ies based on real-life situ­ations or shared interests brings a deep­er, more per­son­al mean­ing to the exper­i­ence. As a res­ult, employ­ees remain inves­ted long after the event is over.

Understanding corporate seminars and teambuilding

To suc­cess­fully organ­ize a cor­por­ate sem­in­ar, it’s cru­cial not to neg­lect the human aspect. Incor­por­at­ing moments of relax­a­tion and fun activ­it­ies ensures a bal­anced exper­i­ence that con­trib­utes pos­it­ively to the emo­tion­al memory of the whole.

Between con­fer­ences and work­shops, team-build­ing breaks add a wel­come social dimen­sion. These allow par­ti­cipants to recharge their bat­ter­ies and re-estab­lish their focus on the top­ics under discussion.

Dis­cov­er the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Center

How to introduce team building into a professional or corporate meeting

Intro­du­cing team build­ing ses­sions at the heart of a meet­ing requires care­ful plan­ning. The idea is to choose key moments when a change in the dynam­ic could bene­fit every­one. Organ­iz­ing these activ­it­ies at the start of a ses­sion also estab­lishes a con­vivi­al cli­mate from the outset.

It’s also advis­able to inform par­ti­cipants before­hand to avoid any reluct­ance. Giv­ing a brief explan­a­tion of the pur­pose of these flights of fancy can help man­age expect­a­tions and encour­age act­ive participation.

Energize team meetings with team building

Ener­giz­ing team meet­ings with team build­ing activ­it­ies can trans­form a clas­sic ses­sion into a motiv­at­ing and pro­duct­ive moment. Here are a few sug­ges­tions on how to achieve this:

Define team building objectives

Before choos­ing activ­it­ies, it’s import­ant to determ­ine what you want to achieve with team build­ing dur­ing the sem­in­ar. Here are a few pos­sible objectives:

  • Improve com­mu­nic­a­tion: encour­age the exchange of ideas and col­lab­or­a­tion between team members.
  • Strengthen cohe­sion: help par­ti­cipants get to know each oth­er bet­ter and forge bonds.
  • Devel­op skills: rein­force spe­cif­ic com­pet­en­cies such as lead­er­ship, decision-mak­ing or stress management.
  • Motiv­ate teams: offer a moment of relax­a­tion to remo­bil­ize and motiv­ate teams around cor­por­ate values.

Once the object­ives have been defined, it will be easi­er to choose the right team-build­ing activ­it­ies for the sem­in­ar context.

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Choosing activities in line with objectives

Here are a few ideas for team build­ing activ­it­ies that can be integ­rated into a seminar:

Problem-solving workshops
  • Puzzle and escape games: these activ­it­ies require par­ti­cipants to work togeth­er to solve puzzles in a lim­ited time. They rein­force com­mu­nic­a­tion and col­lect­ive decision-making.
  • Con­struc­tion chal­lenges: activ­it­ies where teams have to build an object (such as a spa­ghetti bridge or a card­board tower) encour­age col­lab­or­a­tion and creativity.
Team-building activities
  • Role-play­ing: organ­ize role-play­ing activ­it­ies to help par­ti­cipants under­stand their col­leagues’ per­spect­ives. These activ­it­ies encour­age empathy and act­ive listening.
  • Storytelling work­shops: ask par­ti­cipants to tell an anec­dote linked to their pro­fes­sion­al career. This helps them get to know each oth­er bet­ter and estab­lish per­son­al connections.
Personal development workshops
  • Com­mu­nic­a­tion work­shops: train­er-led work­shops to work on inter­per­son­al com­mu­nic­a­tion skills, con­struct­ive feed­back, or con­flict management.
  • Group coach­ing: a coach can lead work­shops on stress man­age­ment, pub­lic speak­ing or time man­age­ment. These ses­sions enable par­ti­cipants to work on their per­son­al devel­op­ment while get­ting closer to their colleagues.
Outdoor activities
  • Ori­enteer­ing or ral­lies: ideal for a sem­in­ar organ­ized in a nat­ur­al set­ting, these activ­it­ies encour­age col­lab­or­a­tion and team spirit.
  • Team sports: organ­iz­ing sports activ­it­ies (such as a vol­ley­ball match, relay race or pétanque tour­na­ment) allows par­ti­cipants to work togeth­er while let­ting off steam.
  • Hikes or excur­sions: if the sem­in­ar takes place in a place where nature is access­ible, a hike or out­door activ­ity can be a priv­ileged moment to exchange ideas and recharge one’s batteries.
Integrate team building seamlessly into the program
  • Plan team build­ing breaks: insert moments ded­ic­ated to team build­ing between work ses­sions to ener­gize the day and keep par­ti­cipants energized.
  • Mix activ­it­ies: altern­ate train­ing or con­fer­ence ses­sions with team build­ing activ­it­ies. This allows par­ti­cipants to relax while remain­ing act­ive and engaged.
  • Cre­ate inform­al exchange times: schedul­ing inform­al moments, such as meals or cof­fee breaks, allows par­ti­cipants to get togeth­er in a relaxed set­ting. You can also organ­ize team-build­ing activ­it­ies dur­ing meals, such as group din­ners or theme evenings.
Adapt activities to participants’ profiles
  • Take pref­er­ences into account: some activ­it­ies may be more appre­ci­ated than oth­ers, depend­ing on the cor­por­ate cul­ture and the pro­file of the par­ti­cipants. Make sure you choose activ­it­ies that appeal to the major­ity, and avoid those that might make some par­ti­cipants feel uncomfortable.
  • Encour­age par­ti­cip­a­tion: present activ­it­ies in a pos­it­ive way and encour­age every­one to take part, without oblig­a­tion. It’s import­ant that par­ti­cipants feel at ease and can get involved at their own pace.
Encourage inter-departmental collaboration
  • Form mixed teams: in a sem­in­ar bring­ing togeth­er par­ti­cipants from dif­fer­ent depart­ments or ser­vices, form teams made up of mem­bers from dif­fer­ent func­tions. This strengthens links between teams and encour­ages inter-depart­ment­al communication.
  • Organ­ize skill-shar­ing work­shops: ask par­ti­cipants to share their know­ledge and skills in prac­tic­al work­shops, where every­one can learn from each oth­er and bet­ter under­stand the chal­lenges and object­ives of oth­er teams.
Use feedback and assessment tools
  • Debrief team build­ing activ­it­ies: at the end of each activ­ity, organ­ize a debrief­ing ses­sion so that par­ti­cipants can share their feel­ings and impres­sions. This is a great way to learn les­sons about how the team func­tions and how it can be improved.
  • Gath­er feed­back from par­ti­cipants: after the sem­in­ar, use ques­tion­naires or group dis­cus­sions to gath­er feed­back from par­ti­cipants on the team-build­ing activ­it­ies. This will enable you to improve the pro­gram for future seminars.
Monitor results and extend the experience
  • Remind teams of their object­ives in their day-to-day work: after the sem­in­ar, encour­age teams to apply the les­sons learned in team build­ing to their day-to-day work. For example, if com­mu­nic­a­tion was a cent­ral theme, encour­age teams to adopt reg­u­lar com­mu­nic­a­tion practices.
  • Offer fol­low-up activ­it­ies: organ­ize team build­ing activ­it­ies through­out the year to rein­force the sem­in­ar’s achieve­ments and main­tain a good team spir­it. This can include reg­u­lar meet­ings, team lunches or brain­storm­ing workshops.
Seminars and team building: coping with change

In today’s fast-chan­ging busi­ness world, it’s imper­at­ive to reg­u­larly revise the way in which com­pany sem­inars are organ­ized. Incor­por­at­ing more mod­ern and rel­ev­ant team build­ing is cru­cial to keep­ing employ­ees motiv­ated and engaged.

To counter the mono­tony of repet­it­ive pat­terns, vary formats and adapt con­tent to meet new team needs and expect­a­tions. As organ­iz­a­tions evolve, their team build­ing meth­ods need to keep pace to remain effect­ive and inspiring.

Why organize a team building event in Deauville?

Organ­iz­ing a team build­ing event in Deau­ville offers many advant­ages, thanks to the loc­a­tion, the avail­able infra­struc­ture and the diversity of activ­it­ies on offer.

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Benefit from a strategic and accessible location

Deau­ville is around 2 hours from Par­is by train or car, mak­ing it a con­veni­ent des­tin­a­tion for Parisi­an com­pan­ies look­ing to get away from the city while min­im­iz­ing travel. In addi­tion to dir­ect trains from Par­is, Deau­ville has a region­al air­port, mak­ing it eas­ily access­ible for par­ti­cipants from dif­fer­ent parts of France and Europe.

Deau­ville is renowned for its charm, beaches and lux­ury hotels. It offers an ideal set­ting for a team-build­ing event, com­bin­ing prestige and tran­quil­lity. The sea and sandy beaches allow par­ti­cipants to relax and recharge their bat­ter­ies, con­trib­ut­ing to a pos­it­ive atmo­sphere con­du­cive to exchanges and team cohesion.

Modern and varied facilities for corporate events

The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville is per­fect for sem­inars and team-build­ing activ­it­ies. This con­ven­tion cen­ter offers mod­u­lar rooms and top-qual­ity audi­ovisu­al equip­ment for work­shops, con­fer­ences and group activities.

Deau­ville is equipped with golf courses, ten­nis courts, naut­ic­al cen­ters, eques­tri­an com­plexes and much more. These facil­it­ies allow you to integ­rate sports activ­it­ies into your team-build­ing pro­gram, rein­for­cing team spir­it and the well-being of participants.

A wide variety of team building activities in Deauville

Walks and bike rides

Organ­ize bike out­ings or hikes along coastal paths to dis­cov­er the Nor­mandy coast­line. These activ­it­ies enable teams to work togeth­er while enjoy­ing nature.

Water sports

Deau­ville’s beach offers the chance to enjoy water sports such as sail­ing, kayak­ing and paddle board­ing. These out­door activ­it­ies encour­age col­lab­or­a­tion and cre­ate unfor­get­table memories.

Treasure hunt

A treas­ure hunt in the streets of Deau­ville or along the beach is an excel­lent way to strengthen cooper­a­tion and test your teams’ prob­lem-solv­ing skills.

Visits and tastings

The region is fam­ous for its loc­al pro­duce, such as cider, cal­va­dos and camem­bert. Organ­iz­ing a vis­it to a farm or a tast­ing of loc­al products is both instruct­ive and fun, and helps strengthen bonds between participants.

Cooking classes

Intro­duce par­ti­cipants to the secrets of Nor­man cuisine with a group cook­ing class. It’s a con­vivi­al activ­ity that fosters team spir­it while cre­at­ing a moment of relaxation.

Discover horse racing

Deau­ville is also fam­ous for its race­course. You can organ­ize an out­ing to the races, or even offer work­shops to dis­cov­er the world of horse racing.

Beach games

Deau­ville’s fine sand is ideal for team games such as beach vol­ley­ball, relays, or anim­a­tion games, allow­ing teams to relax and have fun together.


Organ­ize Olympi­ads with tests of strength, skill and strategy. It’s a great way to build cohe­sion, lead­er­ship and team spirit.

Take advantage of wellness and relaxation opportunities

Many of Deau­ville’s hotels and resorts offer well­ness treat­ments. Par­ti­cipants can relax with mas­sages, whirl­pool baths or thalas­so­ther­apy treat­ments, all of which pro­mote well-being and reduce stress.

Strolls along Deau­ville’s fam­ous “Planches” are the per­fect way to recharge your bat­ter­ies, while pro­mot­ing relax­a­tion and inform­al exchange between team members.
Organ­iz­ing a team build­ing event in Deau­ville offers the per­fect bal­ance between work and relax­a­tion, in a pres­ti­gi­ous yet access­ible set­ting. With its beaches, mod­ern infra­struc­ture, CID Deau­ville, numer­ous out­door activ­it­ies and well­ness options, Deau­ville is an ideal des­tin­a­tion for cre­at­ing a mem­or­able exper­i­ence that strengthens the cohe­sion, motiv­a­tion and skills of your teams.

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