7th edition of the Université des Entrepreneurs Normands: An inspiring day at the Palais des Congrès in Deauville


This Tues­day, Novem­ber 5, 2024, the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville wel­comed over 1,400 decision-makers from the four corners of Nor­mandy to attend the 7th edi­tion of the Uni­versité des Entre­pren­eurs Nor­mands (#UEN2024), organ­ized by MEDEF Nor­man­die. The flag­ship event of the Nor­mandy busi­ness world was held around a strong, buoy­ant theme: “Dare to Trust!”.

An event to inspire and strengthen professional networks

The Uni­versité des Entre­pren­eurs Nor­mands has estab­lished itself as the must-attend event of the year for busi­ness lead­ers, exec­ut­ives and all those involved in the Nor­mandy eco­nomy. The aim of this day is to bring entre­pren­eurs togeth­er, to encour­age them to show cour­age and to build on trust in order to move for­ward and innov­ate together.

The program for this exceptional day includes

Pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings with com­pan­ies, cus­tom­ers, sup­pli­ers and poten­tial part­ners to forge strong links.
Net­work­ing through rich exchanges between par­ti­cipants, an essen­tial lever for pro­ject suc­cess and eco­nom­ic growth.
Con­fer­ences and work­shops: a wide choice of ses­sions led by experts and inspir­ing lead­ers to pro­voke thought, learn new prac­tices and tackle cur­rent issues.
Busi­ness areas and book sign­ings, where dis­cus­sions con­tin­ue inform­ally in a con­vivi­al atmosphere.

Business Quick Meeting”: an innovative concept

One of the major new fea­tures of this year’s event is the “Busi­ness Quick Meet­ing” concept. This innov­at­ive and effect­ive meet­ing format offers par­ti­cipants the oppor­tun­ity to engage in rap­id, inform­al exchanges with a max­im­um num­ber of people in record time. These “quick meet­ings” help to break the ice quickly and ini­ti­ate dis­cus­sions that will con­tin­ue through­out the day or bey­ond the event. The concept has been praised for its effect­ive­ness, enabling par­ti­cipants to share best prac­tices and expand their net­work in a short space of time.

The Université des Entrepreneurs Normands, a key event for the Normandy economy

The 7th edi­tion of the UEN con­firms its import­ance in Nor­mandy’s eco­nom­ic land­scape. It responds to the need for entre­pren­eurs to meet, exchange ideas and build trust in a world where col­lab­or­a­tion and net­work­ing are key growth drivers. The event also test­i­fies to the vital­ity and innov­a­tion that char­ac­ter­ize the region, with entre­pren­eurs ready to tackle tomor­row’s eco­nom­ic chal­lenges together.

All in all, the day was marked by a dynam­ic of trust, shar­ing and innov­a­tion — essen­tial val­ues for tack­ling today’s eco­nom­ic chal­lenges. For Nor­mandy’s entre­pren­eurs, UEN2024 was a key moment for reflec­tion and net­work­ing, in an inspir­ing and con­vivi­al atmosphere.

We’re already look­ing for­ward to the next edi­tion, which will undoubtedly con­tin­ue to estab­lish this event as a pil­lar of Nor­mandy’s entre­pren­eur­i­al scene.

CID team :

Domi­n­ique FOUQUET // Michaël ONDET // Karine BROUARD

©Alain Le Corre

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